So, you just built a DIY hot tub, and you are looking for a cover for your tub? There are not many projects online that show you how to build a DIY Hot tub cover, however, we were able to find 6 amazing projects that you can DIY in no time.
If your DIY tub is big, feel free to make adjustments to the DIY hot tub cover so it fits properly. Go through our listings, pick a preferred project and start making your very own hot tub cover.
Table of Contents
1. DIY Cheap Hot Tub Cover
This is a cheap, lightweight hot tub cover that won't take on water. It's fun, easy, and simple to build. The first step in making this cheap, light hot tub cover is building the frame. This can be the most tasking part of the job because the remaining work is just filling the frame with a plastic cover.
The frame was made from plywood, and simple equipment was used, things like screws, a drill, saw, and a few other tools that are easy to come by. This guide is great for a beginner learning to build a hot tub cover or anything at all, for the first time. I would recommend this project for people who are looking for an affordable cover for their hot tub.
2. How To Build A Spa Cover
This is a fancy spar cover and this 9-minute video will teach you everything you need to know to build this spa cover in no time. The insulation foam used is a great addition to this spa cover's making process. It keeps the water in and keeps it hot as well.
The first step to build this is to take measurements on the open area to cover the spa tub. Once that is done, you'll need a saw, straight edge clamps, measuring tape, and wood, the wood serves as a tool to prevent the clamps from damaging the R Max insulation. The rest of the steps are easy to follow when you pay attention to this time-lapse video tutorial. Based on the size of your hot tub, you can make adjustments so it can fit properly.
3. DIY Rollable Hot Tub Cover
There are a couple of things that you need to understand before you set out to make this rollable hot tub cover. You are going to spend over $250 and it will take you up to 3 days to finish building this hot tub cover.
An advanced skill level is required based on the quality of work put into making this hot tub cover come out great and easily rollable. Here are the few materials you'll need to start with, cedar board, marine vinyl, volar foam rubber, wood stain, screws, glue, and a few others. Although the task isn't going to be easy for a beginner it's simple enough for anyone to give it a try.
4. How To Build A Hot Tub Cover In 7 Steps
With this guide, you're going to build a hot tub cover in 7 single steps. Before I proceed with the steps, let me talk about the materials you'll need for this task, you'll need an insulating foam, foam adhesive, staple gun, outdoor fabric, 4 handles, saw, marine vinyl, plywood, and much more.
This task will take over 4 hours to complete but at least a beginner can try this out with no issues at all. The cost of this project interns of the materials bought is over $70. For the first step, measure, and cut. For a beginner, it's always advised to measure twice and cut once to ensure perfection in your work.
5. How To Make A Light Top For A Lay Z Spa Hot Tub
If you have a Lay Z Spa hot tub, you can easily make a cheap, lightweight top for it with this amazing guide. This particular spa top the Coleman Lay Z Spa hot tub is not meant to be used in temperatures below 40°F(4C). With that in mind, you can build this spa top without fear of it taking up water at all. The creator bought two 1-inch insulated panels, from his favorite store Lowe's at $14 per panel. This guide is not a time-lapse video, the creator made write-ups that will help you understand how this was made, so this is an effortless build.
This guide won’t show you the actual build process, however, watching it should give you an idea of how to make a light top for your spa hot tub.
6. DIY Spa Hot Tub Cover
This might not be your ideal spa cover but it's been working great for the creator so far, with the guide he's giving you can build this with ease if you want to. You need some wood strips, a tarp, and wood glue. Place the tarp under and above the wood strips and apply glue to the center of the wood strips and attach the tarp and use a dough roller to press down the glue to stick firmly on the wood.
This Spa hot tub cover is quite heavy, not the lightweight cover you might have expected. It's also great for outdoor hot tubs. You will also need a staple gun to staple the tarp to the sides of the wood strips to finish the job and give the yarn more strength and support.
While researching for the best DIY hot tub cover projects, we weren’t able to find many projects. However, the few that we were able to find are quite okay. Most of them are pretty much easy to build. You might need to get creative and bring your DIY prowess to life. You can also make adjustments to the plans given above.
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