Have you ever wanted to have a hot tub in your home but couldn’t due to the high prices online? I have been there too. The average price of a modern hot tub is about $3000, for some of us, that’s a bit much.
There’s a better and cheaper option. You can make a cheap DIY hot tub for your home and get to enjoy almost the same comfort. In this article, I have listed 25 DIY hot tub builds that you can make for your home.
Table of Contents
25 DIY Hot Tub Builds: Make Your Own Hot Tub
1. How To Build A DIY Hot Tub
This DIY project is one that would stress you a little. You’ll need to be ready before starting. In this DIY project, you’ll be taken through a process of building a hot tub; it will most definitely give you basic tips for building a hot tub with tiles.
2. Solar Powered DIY Hot Tub
A solar-powered hot tub is highly recommended for people who are in areas where the electricity is not so good. In this DIY project, you will learn how to make your very own solar-powered hot tub. This tutorial will not show you building plans, but give you an idea of what you need to do.
3. HomeMade Hot Tub DIY
This hot tub is designed for two people. If you would love to build a hot tub you can share with a friend, here’s one. The making process is not so easy, but it will be worth it in the end. If you have woodworking skill, building this should be easy after watching the video.
4. Wood Fired Hot Tub
Here’s a DIY hot tub that is completely energy saving. Making a wood-fired hot tub is not as easy as it looks. It takes proper planning to make one of these. In this DIY tutorial, you will get to see a timelapse video of how this wood-fired hot tub was made.
5. How To Build A Hot Tub
If you are not yet a professional in woodworking, the other videos might be a lot harder for you. Here’s a better video with full instructions on how to build a hot tub. In this DIY project, the creator was able to build a unique hot tub using specific woodworking tools and a great plan.
6. Low Budget Hot Tub DIY
Are you looking for something low budget? Here’s one you can make. I was shocked when I found out that couches were used under this hot tub. The making process is quite easy to follow. You do not need woodworking skill to make this amazing hot tub idea.
7. DIY Wood Fired Cedar Hot Tub
This is one of those unique hot tubs that will most definitely wow your friends when they see it. The build is quite beautiful. Cedar was used in the building process. You’ll need to have woodworking experience and a bunch of tools to make this.
8. Building A Hot Tub DIY: For Professionals
The process of building this hot tub will require you to dig a hole on the ground, but that’s just the easy part. I would only recommend this DIY tutorial for professionals. If you are a beginner, you will have a hard time understanding the making process of this hot tub.
9. Building An Ancient Hot Tub With Primitive Skills
Who says without modern woodworking tools, you can’t make a hot tub. The creators were able to build a nice looking ancient hot tub with primitive skills, and I think the hot tub looks great. Yes, it has a few pros and cons, but it is an amazing concept.
10. Easy DIY Hot Tub
This is especially for people who want to build a hot tub in their homes with materials they can easily lay their hands on. In this DIY project, you will learn how to make a hot tub using a tank and some other tools. This is a hot tub that is specifically for one person. If you want to make one for two, you can use a bigger tank.
11. DIY Camping Hot Tub
Using an IBC-Intermediate bulk container and a bunch of other tools, the creator was able to build a hot tub perfect for the backyard of a home or camping. The steps to make this are quite straightforward if you have the tools handy.
12. DIY Northern Cedar Hot Tub
If you are looking for a beautiful DIY hot tub, one that you will look at and say “Yes, I made that”. Here’s one. This guide will show you how to make this amazing looking hot tub. I love the fact that it has a cover to prevent dirt from getting into the tub when not in use.
13. DIY Spa Bath Hot Tub
I think you will need help from a few people to make this hot tub. This hot tub is ideal for a large family. There’s enough room for everyone to have a bath. The making process is quite stressful, but you’ll be glad you made one of these.
14. Firewood Heated Hot Tub
If you live in an area where the weather is very cold, you could consider this quick firewood heated hot tub. I love the bathtub used in this DIY project. This is one hot tub DIY project that doesn’t require woodworking skill.
15. How To Build A Wood Fired Hot Tub
Here’s yet another guide that will show you how to build a wood-fired hot tub. Wood-fired hot tubs are ideal for people who are looking at saving energy. Having an electric powered hot tub can have a lot of disadvantages. The process of making this hot tub is quite easy to follow.
16. How To Build A Cedar Hot Tub
Here’s another tutorial that will show you how to build a cedar hot tub. This kind of hot tub is ideal for outside your home. All you have to do is find the perfect spot to place it and get to the building. This DIY project will give you first-hand tips on how to build one.
17. DIY Propane Powered Hot Tub
This DIY project costs $300 to build. The creator was able to make a propane-powered hot tub. The tutorial will give you an idea of how to build yours. If you aren’t conversant to using propane tanks, I think you should look away to minimize risk.
18. Building A Beach Hot Tub
Here’s another great hack you can try out if you are on the beach. Before making this, be sure to ask the officials if it can be allowed. The process of building this beach hot tub is fun. You’ll be able to do it with a couple of tools handy.
19. Hot Tub Pallet Tank DIY
Are you a pallet lover? Here’s one you’d like. The creator was able to make this square-shaped hot tub using a couple of tools that are easy to find. The making process is not so easy, it is time-consuming, but you’ll be happy you made it.
20. How To Install A Hot Tub On A Deck
If you purchased a hot tub from an online store, this DIY guide would show you how to install a hot tub on a deck professionally. The steps are quite concise and easy to follow. You’ll need a hand saw and a bunch of other tools.
21. Backyard Hot Tub DIY
I found yet another amazing DIY project. If you have a hot tub in your home that is not in use, you can refurbish it and use it for your hot tub needs. This hot tub idea is great. The making process is easy to follow.
22. How To Build A Hot Tub
With this DIY project, you will be able to build any hot tub size. This tutorial gives you an idea of all you need to do to build a hot tub.
23. Building A Solar Powered Hot Tub
Here’s another guide that will show you how to build a solar-powered hot tub. The process is not so easy to follow, but I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it.
24. Rocket Stove Hot Tub DIY
In this DIY tutorial, the creator will take you on a journey of how he made a rocket stove hot tub. His steps are quite easy to follow.
25. Propane Powered Hot Tub
Here’s another propane-powered hot tub idea you can consider making for your home. The build is amazing and easy to follow. But be careful with propane.
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