Before you spend a lot of money buying a beach cart that might not even contain your stuff, you should pause for a second and consider making a DIY beach cart for yourself. Making one is way better, cost-saving and you get to build one that would contain all your important stuff.
After doing some research, I was able to come up with a couple of DIY beach cart projects made by creative folks out there, building a beach cart isn’t as hard as it may seem, with all the materials and tools handy, you would be done building one for yourself.
Table of Contents
1. DIY Beach Cart Under $50
As beautiful as this DIY beach looks, it cost less than $50 to make. If you have been looking for a beach cart that can easily roll on sand or grass, here’s one to make. It has a cooler and can contain an entire SCUBA dive kit with other gear.
The making process begins with purchasing a used dolly that has inflatable tires, before purchasing the dolly, you need to make sure the dolly does not have worn-out tires. Buying this should cost you about $25. Afterward, you need to get a cooler, two pieces of lumber, PVC, and a few other materials. The complete tutorial will show you how to perfectly install the cooler on the beach cart.
Make sure the cooler you want to use isn’t bigger than the cart, that will be awkward. You will also need to install a tub to the beach cart, a perfect sized tub would be able to contain your SCUBA diving gear. The complete making process will give you detailed instructions on how to build this DIY beach cart.
2. How To Build A Beach Cart
This guide doesn’t give you a specific design that must be made, rather, it gives you a complete and comprehensive guide on how to build a beach cart, the process is very easy to follow. If you are building a beach cart for the first time, I would recommend that you check this tutorial out.
The first things to consider are the materials and tools used to build the beach cart, some of which are; PVC pipes, pool noodles, zip ties, hacksaw, wheels and axle, and a couple of other materials and tools that can easily be gotten.
For the wheels, you should use wheels that are around 10 inches tall and about 3 inches wide. Wider wheels will roll better on the sand.
The steps for making this starts off with building the frame of the DIY beach cart using PVC pipes, you will be required to do a lot of measurements so the frame can come out great. After building the frame of the DIY beach cart, you will need to create the handle of the cart which is quite easy, this process is done using PVC pipes.
The final step is where you will use the pool noodles over the pipes and also use zip ties to keep the pool noodles in place. Feel free to make adjustments to the measurements and materials used. For more detailed information, check out the full tutorial.
3. How To Build A Beach Wagon
Here’s another project that will show you how to build a beach wagon. The making process of this beach wagon or cart is easy to follow. You will need a lot of coupling caps and some PVC pipes, you will also need wheelbarrow wheels, ½ steel round bar, a cooler, and other gadgets that you would want on the beach wagon.
The making process of this beach wagon starts off with measuring the size of the cooler you would be using on the wagon, doing this before you build your wagon ensures that the wagon isn’t smaller or bigger than the cooler.
After cutting the PVC pipes to the desired length, the next step would be to use the coupling caps to put the PVC pipes together. You will need to build the base of the beach cart and then build the handle. Installing the wheels is a bit tricky but I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it.
I love how the beach cart is built with guards at all ends, this makes it difficult for the cooler to fall off while rolling the beach cart, remember to use glue while putting the PVC pipes and caps together to make it very firm.
About 96% of this DIY beach cart is made of PVC pipes, the making process is pretty much basic and won’t require the use of serious tools.
4. Fishing Cart Build DIY
Do you need a more durable fishing cart or beach cart that can carry very heavy stuff? Here’s one you can check out. I love how the creator was able to piece this cart together. The making process is pretty much easy to follow.
You will need to purchase a cargo carrier made of steel, you will also need very strong durable tires, both items shouldn’t cost above $90. After getting a couple of tools and materials ready, then comes the hard step “attaching the wheels.” For this, you will need a metal rod that would be able to fit.
Next up, cut the tires and make some holes, then weld the tires onto the cargo carrier frame. After welding it will surely leave a mark, you can use a spray to cover up the marks left after welding. Fixing the tires is what comes next, this step is quite easy to do.
Finally, you will need to build a metal arm for the cart, and for this process, you will need more metal. Before buying a cargo carrier, you should consider the size of your cooler and be sure it will fit. Also, the tries must be big and wide enough to roll the cart on beach sand.
5. DIY Surf Beach Cart
If you are looking for an easy build that won’t require much stress, here’s one you can try out. However, you will need to devote some time to make this so that it comes out flawless. Although this surf beach cart isn’t as big as you might want, it can be very useful. I also love the fact it is lightweight.
For the materials, you will need a plastic crate that can fit inside your car, you will also need a golf cart, PTO pins, and metal or plastic pieces. For the tools, you will need a saw, drill, file, wrench, and screwdriver.
Start the making process by converting the golf cart to suit the needs of a DIY beach cart. This conversion process is pretty much basic and can be done in different variations of golf carts. After converting the golf cart, you then need to attach the crate to the golf cart, this process is very easy to do unless your golf cart and crates do not fit, you will need to find a creative means of attaching it together.
The two pairs of legs used are also very easy to put together. I would highly recommend this DIY Beach cart project for people who want to build an easy beach cart without having to stress too much. The making process is quite easy to follow if you have all the required materials and tools handy.
6. DIY Beach Cart
My favorite part about this project is the wheels used for the beach car, they were gotten from the wheels of a kids electric scooter, they are power wheels. Sadly, these wheels did not do well in sand and they had to be changed to something else that can move freely on the beach.
As you would also notice, this is a pretty huge DIY Beach cart that can be used to carry around a whole lot of things, fitting this in the trunk of your car would be impossible unless you have a huge trunk, however, you can put the cart on top of the car.
The creator does not show the complete process of building this DIY beach cart but what we know is he used a couple of PVC pipes and coupling caps for the structure. There’s also a compartment built to contain a beach canopy which is a pretty amazing idea that you can try out.
If you have a lot of things that you would want to use on the beach, a small beach cart might not be ideal, you can check out this beach basket and try building one for your needs.
If you are like me who has a couple of things to carry along for beach moments, you will most definitely need a beach cart. I hope you are able to find the perfect beach cart build for yourself. Some of the beach carts listed in this article are made using PVC pipes, I also included one made out of steel.
Remember to first consider the things you would be carrying along first before building a DIY beach cart, trust me, you don’t want to build a beach cart that won’t be able to carry your beach necessities.
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