Cats are known for being stubborn and independent creatures who don't like to follow the rules. So, when it comes to sleeping arrangements, they often choose their spots. Mostly, you will find them sleeping under the table, on top of the refrigerator, couch, or in the bathtub.
But there's one place where cats tend to prefer to sleep - the corner of your bed. Why would a cat choose to sleep in such a position? Before we come to that, it is crucial as a cat owner to understand how cats choose their sleeping spots. Let us find out how they do it.
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How a cat chooses its sleeping spot
Cats can be susceptible to temperature changes. During winter, they will often seek out warm areas as opposed to cold ones. Warm spots help regulate body temperature, so they feel better when they wake up. During heat summer seasons, they tend to choose cold places like bathroom sink or just on tiled floors.
If there is something cats love is comfort! Felines love to curl up in cozy areas free from predators, noise, or insects. They love a quiet, peaceful, uninterrupted sleep. And if they spot a place comfortable enough, they turn it their chilling spot.
Felines choose spots free from predators stalking them. Sometimes they'll rub themselves along an object or your feet to mark territory as safe. So perhaps they feel safer resting next to things or places that give off familiar smells.
Cats are extraordinarily clean creatures, and they spend almost 50% of their time cleaning themselves. They despise dirt and dusty stuff. If their sleeping layer becomes dirty with funny scents, your feline friend will find another clean place to snuggle on.
Some cats feel more secure hiding in dark corners than others; hence, they choose to relax in places where their privacy is not interfered with. Other’s love being watched over by people who can keep an eye on them. Still, other felines appreciate the presence of toys, books, or favorite objects.
Having looked at how felines choose where to sleep, now let us examine why your cat loves sleeping at the foot of your bed than any other place.
8 Reasons why cats love to sleep at the corner of your bed
1. It feels safe there!
When we first bring home our new kitty, she is petrified. She doesn't understand how her world has changed so quickly. But after some time passes by, she starts exploring everything around her. One thing she discovers is that lying down beside us gives her safety from any harm. It makes your fuzzy friend feel secure enough to fall asleep under your feet.
2. To protect you
Cats tend to be protective of their owner such that they will follow you every corner of the house you enter, even if it means snoring right under your feet at night.
3. Your furry friend enjoys your company
Cats love spending quality time with their owner. So, whenever you see your furry friend curled up at the foot of your mattress, remember that he wants nothing more than to give you company through those sleepless hours.
4. To mark their territory
Felines are territorial and possessive. When you find out that it enjoys sleeping at the corner of your bed than its crib, then it is a way of marking its territory in the case when they are away. In short, they are trying to say this is my space! And there’s no chance for other pets. Marking territory is a cat's way of showing affection to its owner-think of it positively.
5. They enjoy being near people
Most cats love lying near humans and appreciate all the cuddling and belly rubs. Also, curling up and cuddling under your feet the whole night makes them feel loved.
6. It is comfortable
If their crib isn’t fluffy and comfy enough, they will always sneak to your cozy bed to catch some sound sleep. Remember, cats spend most of their time sleeping, like 12 hours or more a day. In this case, they will need somewhere comfortable to rest.
7. Spying on rodents
Cats hunt rodents using their keen sense of hearing. Your bedroom could be frequented by rats, mice, and other pests, and your furry buddy found the corner of your bed a great hunting spot to spy on the rodents. Your feline is helping make your bedroom rodent-free.
If you don’t mind sharing your space with your furry friend, then it's okay. Remember letting your cat sleep with you comes with substantial benefits and also has its drawbacks. Let us quickly peruse through them below.
Should You Let Your Cat Sleep in Bed with You?
If you think that your cat doesn't mind sharing his space with you, then it's okay. However, if you notice that you are not comfortable letting your kitty lay down next to you, it's best to let him choose his spot. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of letting your cat sleep at the corner of your bed.
1. Makes them feel safe
Your cat has nowhere better to go than your bedroom. Not only does sleeping in your room provide comfort, but it keeps your cuddly friend away from dangerous situations. For example, if your dog barks all night long, then your cat will likely remain quiet as well.
2. Perfect company
Having a beloved pet in your home creates happiness. Even though you may not realize it right now, your cat will bring you joy whenever you interact with them. Also, having it sleep beside you at night helps you fight loneliness, calms you, and gives you peace of mind whenever you are stressed out.
3. protects you
As mentioned earlier, cats are natural protectors and often mark their territory. Because of this reason, your cat will guard against intruders and wake you up if they sense any threat of danger. Sleeping at the corner of your bed will keep them alert to watch over you
4. Teaches you to gives back
Pets like cats can teach us so much about ourselves. They show us how we should treat other living creatures. You demonstrate empathy towards another animal by allowing your fuzzy darling to snuggle into your feet at night. When you share space with someone else, you learn to appreciate what you already have. Your cat shows you how lucky you are.
5. Your cat will keep your feet warm at night
You are body temperature drops while you sleep. The heat generated by your body helps maintain this temperature. When you lie down, your legs become cold due to a lack of circulation. However, if your cat curls beside you, his warmth keeps your legs warm all night long.
6. No scratching furniture
Scratching furniture is another common problem among pets. Since your cat snuggles at the foot of the sheet, he avoids damaging expensive items such as couches and chairs.
7. Quality bonding time
Cats don’t like being alone. So, when you place your cat at the corner instead of letting her roam around freely, she feels contented. She also gets a chance to interact and bond with you every day, and this makes her feel loved and cared for
1. It may cause allergies
Allergies affect millions of American people each year. Some cases are caused by dust particles from carpets and furniture, while others stem from animals. The latter includes cats, which produce dander. Dander causes allergic reactions in those who have asthma, hay fever, eczema, etc.
2. Your cat could scratch you
A cat's claws are sharp and strong, making them perfect tools for digging out insects and cleaning themselves. Unfortunately, these traits also mean that they have the potential to hurt someone else.
3. You risk getting sick
When you share your bed with a feline friend, you increase your chances of catching colds and flu. Usually, this happens because cats carry germs like viruses and bacteria without showing any symptoms. These pathogens enter your body via your nose and mouth, causing illness.
4. Your cat might bite you
Cats don’t just use their teeth to clean themselves; they also use them to attack prey. As such, they sometimes nip when playing or defending territory. Although most bites happen accidentally, there is still a possibility that your cat will intentionally target you, especially if it having those - catching the mouse- sort of dreams! Or when if it feels threatened.
5. You won’t be able to fall asleep
You probably spend more time awake than asleep every night. That means that you need uninterrupted slumber to feel refreshed upon waking up. Since your cat doesn't follow this schedule, it will disrupt your ability to relax. I Personal I find cats purr irritating at night
6. Create a mess your bed
Cats always tend to get dirty, whether indoors or outdoors. Sometimes they get in between your sheets with dirt-covered all over their body or paws, Also, if your kitty is not potty trained, it could pee on your bed, and you will be stuck thinking about how to get out of the stinky situation.
7. They get hurt
You can accidentally step on them while sleeping, especially when you had a long tiresome day, and you can't control how you sleep. Cats are kicked up and down during sleep, especially when stretching and changing sleep positions which causes internal injury to them.
If you are convinced enough that having your cat sleep in your bed is not the best idea, then here are the tricks to keep them off your bedroom.
You must have observed your kitty sleep, and you realize that they don’t have a specific sleeping position. Do you know what all this means? Learn the significance of your cat sleeping position to help you understand your cat more.
The significance of cats sleeping positions
- Sleeping on His Back: When your cat lays down on his back, he gets more exposure to air which helps keep him calm. He also enjoys feeling safe and secure since he knows no harm can come to him.
- Laying Down with Head Up. By keeping his head above ground level, your cat avoids getting wet feet. Also, having his head raised makes it easier for him to breathe.
- Sleeping On Her Sides: when they sleep on their sides, they expose less body surface area to cold drafts, thus keeping warm.
- Roll Over: Rolling over means your cat is trying to stretch out his muscles and joints. As a result, he gets relief from stiffness and soreness.
- Stomach Sleeper: Having belly rubs is tremendous fun for both humans and pets alike. But, while your cat might look cute rolling around on his tummy, he needs to do this to help relieve pressure caused by constipation.
- Standing Position: Being able to walk around quickly is essential for cats. And, since they cannot jump high off the ground, they must use other ways to reach things higher than themselves. The best option would be to put something tall near the door, so your cat can climb up and explore safely.
Having understood your feline buddy more and you feel it’s not the best idea for them to sleep on your bed, well, we have options for you to keep them off your bedroom while also making them comfy in their layer.
5 tips to prevent your cat from sleeping at the corner of your bed
1. Keep your bedroom door closed.
When your cat enters your home, he'll try to follow you everywhere. He'll likely jump on your bed once he realizes where you live. To stop this habit, put a chair against the door before going to bed.
2. Put some toys outside your bedroom.
Toys are great distractions for cats. However, if you leave them unattended, they may start playing with them right after entering your bedroom. By placing them out of reach, you'll eliminate this unwanted activity.
3. Use a baby gate.
A baby gate keeps your cat from jumping over the barrier. Once again, this prevents your cat from following you wherever you go. There are various baby gates for pets, and you will find them in online stores like amazon.
4. Make your cat's sleeping crib fluffy and comfortable.
Sleeping on hard surfaces leads to discomfort and makes them cold. And they will find refuge on your comfortable orthopedic mattress. If you don't have a bed for your fuzzy buddy, you can check various cat beds for indoor pets and find the best that suits your cat.
Alternatively, you can learn how to make a fluffy cat bed for your cat home.
5. Go for pet repellent scents.
Cats are very sensitive and have a powerful sense of smell than humans. Mostly they despise the scent of a particular fragrance. Are you having a problem keeping your cat off the bedroom? Why not try citrus lavender and grapefruit fragrance. Learn how to make Cat repellent at home that will naturally help deter cats from your bedroom.
You can also opt to Use a motion-activated pet deterrent spray such as Pet Safe SSSCAT Spray Pet which has proved effective for many cat owners.
Final thoughts
As you can see, cats often sleep at the foot of the bed for several reasons. They may claim territory, or they may feel more comfortable in your bed. But, having your cat sleep next to you may come with some disadvantages. It would be best if you considered the pros and cons before allowing your cat to snuggle up for the evening.
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