Most rooms have a trash can. It is usually a boring can that is completely utilitarian. However, this does not have to the case. A trash can should be able to bring just enough life to the room as the rest of the furniture. Since most of the trash can do not manufacture stylish cans.
It falls on the individual to find the resources and make what they think their trash can can be. They can explore their creativity and create beauty. This article will be going through DIY trash can you can make
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1.Pantone Trash can
Designers will love this trash can. Creative people tired of the boring plain colored trash can they have to use, can modify it and create something entirely new out of it.
The Pantone color palate just pops making it great for the project. With a plain white trash can, some spray paint, and a black marker. You can create an outline of your design with a marker and use spray paint to create something new and exciting.
2. Fabric Trash Can
Plastic and metallic trash cans are everywhere. However, there is no written rule that that is how it has to be. There can be an option of a trash can be made out of fabric.
These trash cans cannot be used for most kitchen garbage, but they can be used for paper. Sew some fabric into a bag and using hot glue attach it to a circular band. The band can be wooden or plastic, as they work just as well.
3. Rope Trash Can
For people, with rather unstylish trash cans, redoing them with rope can be of great benefit to you. The materials needed are easy to find, as they are just a regular bucket and some rope.
You will have to wrap the rope around the bucket, to affix it to the bucket, you will have to use hot glue. Once attached, you can spray paint the can to your preferred aesthetic.
4. Spotted trash can
This will spruce up the style behind your trash can's fashion. The bland often single-colored trash can be improved.
All you need is a sharpie; in the color, you would like the dots to be in. You take the trash can and make the dots with the sharpie in the pattern you'd like. It is easy and versatile.
5. Glitter Trash can
There no rules that a trash can cannot be pretty. This improves your boring old trash can by adding some much-needed pizazz with glitter. All you need is some white spray paint and some glitter.
Spray your trash can with white paint. While it's still wet, place the color glitter in whichever order you prefer. This is very versatile.
6. Ice Cream themed trash can
7. DVD Disks Trash Can
The age of the DVDs has long been behind us. However, looking at our storage there are CDs we really could not mind losing.
With hot glue and some spray paint, you can make a trash can out of it. The DVDs can bend making them easy to make into a cylinder and glue them together. You can then paint the final product color of your choice.
8. Newspaper waste can
People who still have subscriptions to the daily newspapers find themselves with a huge excess of newspapers just lying around. These can all be converted into a really stylish bin.
All you need is a colorless plastic bin, some glue, the papers, and a brush. Cover the glue on the bin with the brush. Afterward attach the paper to the bin. The end result is a bin that looks like a mosaic of literature.
9. Paint stir trash can
Some cheap paint stir sticks could be a stylish addition to your office or home. All you need is some paint sticks, glue, an embroidery hoop set, and cardboard scrap.
The cardboard scrap will form the base. The next step is to attach the glue stick with the embroidery hoop for support. Together they will form the complete trash can.
10. Stool Turned garbage bin
That extra stool in the artic or basement could be a nice addition to the décor of your home as a trash can. This is so simple, most people will be left thinking, “why didn’t I ever consider that”.
Take the stool, and turn it upside down. Take a trash bag and affix it to the stands of the stool. Have the center in between the stools stands making an opening. Viola, you have a cool, trash can.
11. Salvaged pallet wood trash can
You can get palate wood that has been discarded for cheap. This can be used to craft a rustic looking trash can just for you.
All you need are the palate, some power tools, and nails. Attach the pallets to form a cuboid with an opening at the top. This used as is, giving it a supremely desirable rustic look.
12. Purse Recycle Trash Can
If you have a giant purse, this most likely means it's a hassle just getting what you want. This is because of the weeks of trash that has been slowly building up in your purse.
From an empty pill bottle, you can craft a tiny trash can that helps you get organized. With glue and some fabric, you can cover the bottle for added style to its functionality.
13. Patio recycling can
14. R2-D2 themed trash can
Star Wars has been big for what is close to half a century and going stronger. Through this tutorial, those who want merchandise but don't to fork out the money to do so, have the chance to get it.
All you need is a white trash can and some paint, sharpie, pencil, masking tape, a black sharpie, and an image of R2 D2 himself. Map out the R2's image of the trash can and paint it away.
15. Paint Bucket Trash can
You can save money on a trash can by using a regular old plastic paint bucket. That does not mean it has to be a boring old trash can.
All you need is the bucket, some fabric, and a glue gun. You can attach the fabric to the bucket with the glue in a fashion you like most.
16. Tree Image on a Trash can
Trees symbolize nature, with your recycling habits you can look stylish and send a message at the same time.
All you need is a plain trash can, some paper, and drawing stationery. Draw or trace a tree into the paper. Color it to your desired effect and cut it out and paste it onto the trash can.
17. A trash can that can fit anywhere
You have that slid at the end of the room that your trash can not fit. With this tutorial, you will learn to fit just about any trash can in that tiny space you have.
Make sure you know the dimensions of the space you are trying to fit. Construct the bin to those dimensions and affix wheels for extra versatility. This trash can be moved and slid in any space in your house for added versatility.
18. Decorated Trash can
You could download just about any pattern and use it to decorate your trash can. This has great versatility for what you can do.
All you need is the silhouette, the transfer paper, and vinyl. Once you have the vinyl pattern you can easily fic it to the trash can with glue.
19. Salvaged Popcorn Tins Trash Cans
If you are like me, you probably throughout all the tins that come with popcorn. This is a wasted opportunity as it can be used as a trash can.
With a paintbrush and some paint, it can be styled for a bit of extra flair. You can even decide to have a theme of your own to the whole can.
20. Trash can be wrapped with yarn
You can have an ordinary trash can or bucket but this does not have to be the case. With yarn, you can wrap it to give a cool new color you can use.
With yarn and some glue, you change what you can feel. Wrap the yarn to the trash can or bucket, make sure you affix it with hot glue at every point. At the end of it all, you will an entirely new trash can.
Trash cans are often not thought about, but can be beauty. Since they are essential to every room, we should try to make sure that they bring a little bit of life to the room as opposed to taking it.
We do this through exploring our creativity, by looking at these DIY projects. The barrier for most of them is low, both in skill and cost. All people to try to make these at some point, it is very gratifying.
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