A squirrel baffle is very important if you want your bird feeder to last longer. To preserve the initial purpose of the third feeder, you must create one of these. Here are 15 DIY squirrel baffle projects that are cheap and fully functional.
All the projects listed in this article won’t harm squirrels in any way, so, there’s no need to be concerned about that. Are you ready to build? Let’s begin.
Table of Contents
1. $1 Squirrel Baffle
Do you have $1 and a couple of minutes? We can find a lasting solution to the issue of squirrels together. The lasting solution is to build a squirrel baffle. To make this you need only one material, which is a $1 bowl. The process is simple. All you need to do is to drill a hole at the center of the bowl and slide it into the pole holding the feeder.
2. DIY Squirrel Baffle
This squirrel baffle is made from galvanized pipe. Trust me, a squirrel baffle is not something you can waste money on, a simple process that can chase the squirrel away from the bird feed is okay. After getting the galvanized pipe, take a sharpie and mark it around the pipe. Use scissors to cut through the mark. Take it to the pole and clutch it to it.
3. DIY Soda Bottle Squirrel Baffle
There are two different methods displayed in this video. First, the creator cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle and cut half of the bottle into strips. The stríps were interlocking and he thought it might not be effective. So, since the first method is not effective, he tried another step and the method is quite the same, just that the strips in this were cut from the opposite direction.
Then, he used scissors to jab off some of the strips, reducing the thickness of the strips. He sits the bottle on the table and the strips spread out. This is because he doesn't want the strips to clutch together.
4. How To Make A Squirrel Baffle
Squirrels are known to be a predator, they invade the bird feeder and eat all the food. In this video, a squirrel baffle was made from stove pipe, stove pipe lid, screws, pressure-treated wood (2×4 and 2×6).
The method Is to cut a hole in the middle of the stove pipe lid to fit the 2×4 piece of wood, make the hole a little bigger than the 2×4 for it to be able to slide up and down on the piece of wood, but not too big to allow the squirrel to pass through. After that, assemble the pipe and the lid on the 2×4 and secure them with screws. It is very simple and functional.
5. DIY Squirrel Baffle Bird Feeder
Unlike birds that eat slowly and gently, squirrels can empty the bird feeder in a couple of minutes. This is annoying! What you need is a squirrel battle to prevent them from reaching the feeder. To make the squirrel baffle, you need a stovepipe, stove pipe end cap, sheet metal screws, hose clamps, screwdriver, drill, vise, and drill bits.
6. DIY Squirrel Baffle
If you need a permanent solution to the issue of squirrels, you need to make a squirrel baffle and nothing more. This solution is the most effective and cheap.
The first thing you need to do is to analyze the situation and ask yourself these questions. What type of feeder are you using? What are the possible ways a squirrel can get to the feeder? What is the proximity of the feeder to a tree, roof, or any other high surface? These questions will direct you on how and what to use to build your squirrel baffle.
7. Making A Squirrel Baffle
Before making a squirrel baffle, you need to plan. If you refuse to plan, the squirrel baffle might not be as effective as you want it to be. The next step after playing is to gather materials and tools for the project and start building.
8. DIY Bird Feeding Station With Squirrel Baffle
It's fun to watch the squirrel climb up the pole into the cone just to get disappointed and turn back around. It is made from a defunct water heater sink.
All you need to do is locate your bird feeder away from any tree or roof that can allow the squirrel to jump on the feeder, then prepare the cone and attach it to the bottom of the feeder.
9. How To Make A $1 Squirrel Baffle
It is not the fact that squirrels eat out of the bird feeder that is annoying, but the fact that they will mess up the feeder. There are two different ways you can attach your squirrel baffle, it is either above the feeder or below it.
In this video, the creator attached the bird feeder above the feeder because the feeder was hanged (suspended). Squirrels can't come at it from the bottom; they can only jump from nearby trees on it.
The squirrel baffle was made from a $1 bowl gotten from the dollar store and some hooks to hang the bowl to the suspended feeder. Therefore, you can protect your adorable bird feeder with just 1 dollar bowl.
10. DIY Squirrel Baffle With $1 Bowl
When you're trying to make a squirrel baffle, it is advisable that the bowl or any container that will be used, especially those that will be used above the feeder, should be transparent.
11. How To Make A Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder
The fact that you made a squirrel feeder doesn't mean squirrels won't show up, they will but they won't be able to do anything other than to leave in dejection.
Though the process of building this squirrel baffle is not very simple, yet, it is very effective and inexpensive. This squirrel baffle is made from plexiglass, sticks, electric tape, and silicone.
12. DIY Squirrel Proof Feeder
The motive of many people building a bird feeder is to watch the beautiful creatures while they eat. But these motives sometimes are dragged by the unwanted squirrel. They are not completely unwanted but in this bird feeder environment, they are.
Though the process of making the squirrel baffle is easy, it needs to be appropriate in order not to leave a gap for the squirrel to slide in.
First, make sure the bird feeder is located where there is nothing for the squirrel to jump from. Decide on the spot you want to place your squirrel baffle. After this, gather the materials and tools needed for the squirrel baffle and start making something.
13. Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder DIY
When building a bird feeder, you must put the squirrel forward. What I mean by this statement is that, when you're planning to build a bird feeder, bear in mind that squirrels will certainly come. This will make you add squirrels to your plan.
Make sure your bird feeder is located 10 feet away from roofs, trees, or any other thing that can allow squirrels to jump on your bird feeder. Also, make sure the bird feeder is 5ft above the ground.
Here are the materials needed for the squirrel baffle: 6" diameter stove pipe cap, 6" diameter, 2-foot long stove pipe, 2x4 pieces of wood ( if you have scrap wood, you can use it as well), ¾ "6-foot long copper pipe, 16" diameter plant pot base.
The tools include 2½ " deck screws, 1" screws, miter saw, miter saw (optional), power drill, ⅞ " inch spade drill bit, 3/16" drill bit, center punch, hammer, work gloves, tape measure.
Once you have the materials and tools ready, you're good to go.
14. How to Build a "Flexi-Perch'' Squirrel-proof Bird Feeder for $10 or Less
A Squirrel is an unwanted guest! They come to disrupt the pretty bird feeder you put together. You can not be chasing them away all the time even if you get the time, you will get tired of them. One way to chase them away effectively is to make a squirrel baffle.
To start with, get these materials: 4" diameter plastic drain pipe, ½ " PVC coupler, PVC glue, 4" PVC cap, ⅜" sheet metal screw, 10 gauge galvanized wire, 6" cable ties, and woodblock.
While working with these materials, you need to take note of some things. If you're using the cable ties as perches, they won't support the weight of the squirrel.
15. How To Make A Squirrel Baffle
The process of making a squirrel baffle is very easy and it doesn't cost much. This is because you will be needing only a few materials and tools.
The materials needed for this include a round duct cap, round metal pipe, and clamps. The size of the clamp needed depends on the size of the pole.
Cut the round cap from the middle and slide it on the pole, then fix a clamp at the bottom of the cap to prevent it from sliding down the pole.
There you have it! I'm convinced that by now you will be able to DIY a squirrel baffle. It is fun to create and protect your bird feeder against squirrels. I hope this article was helpful, thanks for stopping by!
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