A sprinkler system can be used for several reasons, to fight fires, water your lawn, and do lots of other things. This DIY project focuses on the sprinkler system made for water lawns and gardens.
There are 25 amazing DIY Sprinkler system ideas on the list below and all of them are easy to make, you just need the right materials and tools significant to each guide, your time, and energy in making a sprinkler system for your home.
Without further ado, let's dive in, and see the various sprinkler systems that you can make today.
Table of Contents
1. $25 Sprinkler Sled
This is the first guide on this list and it's a simple, cheap, and quick one. All you need is $25 worth of materials to make this sprinkler sled. The materials you'll need are a few PVC pipes, a PVC cement and primer kit, female adapters for the hose, PVC male to male adapters for the riser, and a few other connectors and elbows joints.
2. How To Install A Sprinkler System
This project is pretty easy to follow, but it may take a while to set up depending on the size of the lawn you want to build a sprinkler system for. The making process is simple to follow, and the list of materials are available with a link to show you where the creator got his at a fair price.
3. Lawn Sprinkler System DIY
This is a lawn sprinkler system, it's super easy to make and you'll need to buy a sprinkler head, and parts, as well as some PVC pipe connectors, elbow joints, Tee connectors, and other PVC components.
4. How To Install Sprinkler System
You know PVC pipes and their components make for a good sprinkler system. The only issue will be the size, depending on the size of the lawn or garden that you intend to water. This sprinkler system is easy to install, you'll be spending under $40 for the materials for this project.
5. DIY PVC Sprinkler Toy
Here is a cheap sprinkler system made with PVC pipe, the total cost for the materials is $9.27 and it's super easy to make. You'll need 10 foot long PVC pipes, end caps, elbow joints, a threaded hose connector, PVC cement, and some PVC Tee connectors. The making process is quick and easy.
6. DIY Automated Sprinkler System
Here is an amazing automated sprinkler system, you're going to buy a few sprinkler kits to set up, it's pretty easy to perform so you have nothing to worry about. The total cost for this automated sprinkler system is $402 which is pretty expensive.
7. Simple Garden Sprinkler System DIY
This is a simple garden sprinkler system for easy watering your garden. It's super easy to set up and you won't be buying any special sprinkler kit. You'll need some PVC pipes, a threaded hose connector, some PVC elbows, PVC glue, and it's more.
8. DIY Portable Sprinkler System
So, with this guide, you don't have to worry about digging your way down deep to install a sprinkler system, or neither do you have to worry about the cost. All you have to do is buy a few PVC pipes, end caps, male and female adapters, and a few other supplies that cost $25 to purchase.
9. DIY Above Ground Sprinkler System
This is a great above-ground sprinkler system, giving you the ability to adjust and customize your sprinkler build with ease. You'll need PVC components, connector, elbow joints, hose, and even a booster pump. These few supplies are quite cheap, so you won't be spending much on this.
10. How To Install In-Ground Sprinklers
Now, it's time for an in-ground sprinkler system. Something that you don't have to see, keeps your lawn watered automatically. First, you need to mark out the area you wish to install the sprinklers, then gather your materials.
You'll need polyethylene pipes, a hose, a 5-gallon bucket, a battery-powered timer, a pop-up sprinkler spray head, wire flags, and a few more.
11. Above Ground DIY Sprinkler System
Here is another above-ground sprinkler system. All you need for this video guide to work for you is to get the kind of sprinkler kit the creator got. If you are ready to make a standard sprinkler system like this, the cost shouldn't be important. So, check the guide and learn more now.
12. Homemade Rotating Water Sprinkler
Here is how you can make a simple sprinkler system with homemade supplies. You'll need a sanitizer bottle, this is easily found anywhere due to the Corona pandemic that caused many to purchase more than one. You'll also need a flexible pipe and a few other supplies.
13. How To Install A Sprinkler System
Installing an underground sprinkler requires a lot of work, but it’s worth it. Although you don’t need a high skill level to perform this project, you’ll be done within 2 days.
You’ll need PVC pipes, PVC connectors, PVC valves, a vibratory plow, a timer, and a poly pipe cutter. The timer makes this sprinkler system an automated one.
14. How To Install A Sprinkler System
Having an in-ground sprinkler system is the coolest and easiest way to water your garden or lawn effortlessly. You're going to buy a sprinkler kit for this project. This might cost you more than you budgeted for depending on the kind of sprinkler you want. The creator of this guide put several links to where you can get the sprinkler kit he used.
15. DIY Sprinkler System
Here is another amazing DIY sprinkler system made with ease. To make this sprinkler system work, you need to check the water pressure in your supply, determine the distance from one sprinkler head to the other, determine the location of the sprinkler head, and how many you wish to use. The making process is quick and easy to follow.
16. DIY Above Ground Sprinkler System
This is an amazing above-ground sprinkler system. It's super easy to make and you'll need a few supplies like a few PVC pipes, male threaded adapters, hose, PVC pipe cement, some threaded caps, and lots more. This project is simply amazing with simple easy-going steps.
17. DIY Sprinkler System With PVC
This is a cool sprinkler system made with PVC, it's budget-friendly and easy to set up. It's a vertical rotating sprinkler system.
18. DIY Sprinkler System
If you have a lean that is up to 5000 sq. ft, then you should probably try this guide. The creator made an amazing sprinkler system that can cover that amount of sq. ft comfortably and effortlessly.
19. Homemade Underground Sprinkler System
This is easy to set up, you just need to understand that the components that make the sprinkler system work will be underground, while the sprinkler head of any size you prefer, will stick out from the ground to spray and water your lawn.
20. DIY Underground Sprinklers For $100
Here is another underground sprinkler system that you can make for $100 for the materials needed. All the materials needed can be gotten from Home Depot, so check the video to learn more.
21. DIY Three Head Sprinkler System
How about making a 3 headed sprinkler system for your home, you can cover many grounds with this sprinkler as the water goes in every direction. You'll need PVC pipes cut in their required dimensions, garden hose, PVC primer and cement, and a few other supplies. The setup is quick and easy.
22. Linux Powered Garden Sprinkler System
Here is a Linux-powered garden sprinkler system. The creator made this sprinkler system with a garden hose adapter and an electric sprinkler valve. The electronic components control the flow of water with the help of a parallel port base Linux C program.
23. Homemade Water Sprinkler
This is a unique idea to create a sprinkler system that can reach every part of your lawn without stress. You'll need Lots of PVC pipes, PVC pipe connectors, elbow joints, connectors for the garden hose, PVC cement, and lots more. The making process is quick and easy to set up.
24. Garden Sprinkler Homemade
It's amazing to be able to make a durable sprinkler system with a few scrap materials at home. You don't have to go looking for supplies at home depot or online. The making process is also quick and easy to perform.
25. DIY Garden Hose Sprinkler System
Here is the last video guide on this DIY list with a simple sprinkler system set up with a garden hose, and a few PVC components.
That's all we have, for now, I believe this DIY has opened your eyes to the possibilities of how easy it is to set up a garden hose with ease. Thanks for checking this post out, till next time, see ya!
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