If algae is not your thing, perhaps you might be interested in a DIY Algae scrubber. There are many benefits to having one, so this isn't something you want to overlook. If you think that it has no real use, you are wrong. If you have an aquarium or are thinking about starting one, then you should consider an algae scrubber. The main reason people tend to get an algae scrubber for their tank is for the same reasons mine would be: Dealing with high nitrate levels in the aquarium water.
If you're a newbie to the world of saltwater aquariums or just need something a little more cost-effective, you might want to build a DIY Algae Scrubber. We’ve put together a couple of amazing DIY algae scrubber projects that you would love. An algae scrubber is the ideal way to keep your aquarium looking clean and clear. It's easy to build, it looks awesome, and it's pretty inexpensive to make.
Table of Contents
1. Easy DIY Algae Scrubber
Although Algae acts as a pest in aquarium water because it is unsightly, it is the best thing for the aquarium because it uses up all the unwanted elements from the aquarium such as phosphorus and nitrate.
These two elements are present in both freshwater and saltwater, whichever you choose you need an algae scrubber. Let's see how the algae scrubber works; it works very well for those that have sumps. You're going to pump a concentrated amount of aquarium water over a patch of algae and algae will work like a sponge to wash off the phosphate and nitrates.
2. How To Make A DIY Algae Scrubber
An algae scrubber can range in price anywhere as low as $175 to over $500. Most people don't actually have the plan to spend this much money on algae scrubber and that is why this guide was created, to show you a cheaper way to own an algae scrubber.
You can use the front side of your sump to hold the light. Among the materials required to build the algae, scrubber includes a black plastic container yo out behind the algae scrubber, some ½" PVC pipes, a neat mesh, PVC glue/cement, and some zip ties.
3. Algae Turf Scrubber DIY Under $40
If you're looking for a low-budget algae scrubber that works really well, here is an amazing idea on how to make an algae turf scrubber for less than $40! The design of the algae scrubber is built with an acrylic sheet. The acrylic sheet is cut according to the size of the algae scrubber you want to make. A table saw is fine for the cutting. Check out the Process of assembling the acrylic into an algae turf scrubber.
4. DIY Scrubber Build
Have you seen a mounted algae scrubber before? Well, if not, here is a design that requires the algae scrubber to be mounted on the aquarium tank. The scrubber is made from acrylic sheets. Hopefully, it can serve as a space-saving option without affecting par output from the lighting in the aquarium tank. The blockage caused by the mounted algae scrubber is minimal because the scrubber is as trimmed as possible.
5. DIY Nano Algae Scrubber Project
Basic knowledge of electronics and the use of power tools is required for this nano algae scrubber! The expertise level of this project depends on your proficiency in these two areas listed above. The materials required for the algae scrubber include plumbing PVC, LED lights, solid black acrylic sheet, and Weldon 16. reef2reef
6. DIY Algae Scrubber Project
The most important thing about this nano algae scrubber is that it meets any criteria of DIY you can set; low budget, portable, and customizable. The total cost of producing this algae scrubber is less than $50 and it was built in such a way that it gives off low noise as it was located by the bed. However, the setup of the scrubber involves the use of electricity, power tools, and greater attention. If you have prior experience/knowledge in these areas, you might find this project simple, but on the other hand, it can be very difficult. humble.fish
7. Powerful DIY Algae Scrubber Build Under $45
By now, you should get acquainted with the fact that algae will find its way into your system, and perhaps that is not a bad thing. However, the presence of the algae can be disturbing, therefore, you need to provide a place for it to proliferate without being visually distracting. The most important purpose of turf algae in your aquarium tank is to extract excessive nutrients. This powerful algae scrubber is built for under $45.
8. How To Make A DIY Algae Scrubber
Does your aquarium have excess nutrients? Do you need something to moderate the level of the nutrients? Here is a great option for you to get the level of your system nutrients to normal. The option involves building a DIY algae scrubber.
The main purpose of an algae scrubber is to absorb the excess nutrients (like nitrate and phosphorus) from your aquarium tank. Other benefits of this algae scrubber are that it is cheap, has low maintenance, and produces high algae count. It also provides your aquarium with high-quality water and a confined place for the algae to grow.
9. How To Build An Algae Scrubber
The materials required for this algae scrubber include acrylic sheets, duct tape, Weldon applicator, Weldon 4, Weldon 16, drill bit, nylon bolt, PVC pipe, PVC pipe reducer, and PVC caps. Once you've gathered all the above-listed materials the next thing is to glue the acrylic in place. You can follow this guide to watch the steps involved in setting up the algae scrubber.
10. Super Charged Algae Scrubber DIY
The first part of this video is about an old method of making an algae scrubber. The method used needlepoint plastic mesh to capture the algae. Compared to the second part which talked about a supercharged algae rubber that uses a tinfoil sheet to deflect light coming from the aquarium. The idea of the supercharged algae scrubber is amazing and beautiful.
11. DIY Upflow Algae Scrubber
If you're wondering how to get the green algae out of sight, what you need is an algae scrubber. With an algae scrubber, you can keep the algae out of sight and still get rid of excess nutrients from your aquarium.
12. How To Make Aquarium Algae Scrubber
All you need for this DIY aquarium algae scrubber include nickel, velcro tape, foam board, Neodymium magnets, Loctite 401 super glue, and Dremel 3000. You can follow this guide by watching the tutorial in the link below.
Once you watch this tutorial you will understand the concept behind this aquarium algae scrubber. The nickel used is from a coin. Once you have a coin, drill a hole on a foam board and install the coin in the hole. Then, place the board on the algae scrubber you made.
13. Super Easy DIY Algae Turf Scrubber
While using a needlepoint mesh as the main component of your algae scrubber, all the attention will be on making it as perfect as possible. You need a box cutter to cut the mesh instead of a Dremel. After cutting, attach some zip ties to one side of the mesh loosely so that the PVC pipe will be able to in-between the zip ties and the mesh. For the effective use of the mesh, use a drill bit to scratch all the surfaces of the mesh (front and back).
14. Quick DIY Algae Scrubber
Here is a quick way of making an algae scrubber using needlepoint mesh, PVC pipe, PVC glue, tape measure, zip ties, PVC pipe accessories, and drill bit. The method of putting all these materials together to form an amazing algae scrubber is very simple and fast.
The first thing you need to do is to measure the space you want to attach the scrubber to on your aquarium tank and use that to cut the needlepoint mesh. Then, drill holes on the PVC pipe and add all the fittings to it. Use zip ties to tie the PVC pipe to the mesh and you're good to go.
15. DIY Algae Scrubber Build
Are you tired of seeing the green algae growing on every corner of your aquarium tank? Seeing the number of algae in your system can be frustrating, but the presence of the algae is not dangerous nor bad for your system.
Perhaps it is very good to give your system quality water. However, you can confine the algae so it won't be visible to you again while still in your aquarium. The idea is to have an Algae scrubber. The algae scrubber will confine the algae, provide a space for it to proliferate, and absorb all the excessive nutrients from your system.
An algae scrubber is a confined area with light in it that can allow algae to grow. The essence of this algae scrubber is that it competes with your aquarium tank over excess nutrients and grows the algae in the algae scrubber instead of your display tank.
I know you'll be wondering why algae need to grow in the algae scrubber instead of the tank directly since it is useful, the reason is that algae are unsightly, so it is better to have them grown inside a confined space.
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