For decades scarecrows have been used to scare away birds from crops. As of now, I am not sure you can buy a scarecrow, however, making one is completely possible and very fun to do. In this article, we have compiled a list of 20 DIY scarecrow ideas that you can make from home.
You will need only a few materials for the making process. You should be done making your scarecrow in a jiffy.
Table of Contents
1. How To Make A Scarecrow
This scarecrow is made from old clothes, twine, netting, bamboo (7&5 foot pole), straw, and burlap bag.
Depending on the height of the scarecrow you want to make, fill two nettings with straw and fasten it horizontally to the 5-foot pole as the arm of the scarecrow. Attach the 7-foot pole perpendicularly to the arm leaving like 6" above the arm. Pack straw another two nettings for the legs and stick to inside the trouser.
2. DIY Scarecrow
The materials needed for this DOY scarecrow are clothes(button shirt and an overall Jean), rafia, hand gloves, boots, and towels.
Button up the shirt and turn it inside out, seal the bottom of the shirt at the interval with clips. Then, turn it out back and stuff it with towels till it reaches the neckline. Stuff the upper part of the overall jean with towels as well.
3. Scarecrow DIY
Using a rubber band, tie the bottom of the shirt, the tip of each arm, and to each leg of the pants. After this, fill everything with leaves. Cut a large square of the tablecloth and fill it with leaves, gather the edges, and rubber band it. Draw a face in it and assemble everything.
4. DIY Scarecrow For Birds
This is made from burlap, hay, flannel shirt, jeans, twine, and old ball. Fill the flannel shirt with hay and tie each of the wrists with twine allowing some of the hay to fall out. Fill the jeans the same way and move on to the head. Wrap the old ball with hay and use burlap to cover both. Draw the facial features on the burlap and assemble everything. Your scarecrow is ready.
5. DIY Scarecrow
The materials needed for this include shirt, pants, hay/rafia, hat, rope, and a safety pin. Button up the shirt and stuff with newspapers or bags. Use a safety pin to attach the shirt bottom to the pant. Fill the pants with newspaper as well. Tie the shirt arms and the pants eggs with a good. Stuff a pillowcase into the size and draw the facial features on it. Attach the head to the body.
6. How To Make A Doctor Who Scarecrow
This is made from the larger hessian sack, woven throw blanket, jute rope, A fancy dress masquerade mask, Paint, needle and thread, newspaper, and hot glue
Start by making the head with the hessian sack, cut, and sew the sack. Shape the head with newspaper and stuff it inside the hessian sack. Carve the eyes with a plastic mask.
7. DIY Stuffed Scarecrow
This DIY stuffed scarecrow is very simple to make and it is preservable because of the material used. The rafia used has been treated, so it can stay longer than a year without smelling or meddling. Another material used is an old kid's shirt and overall pants, pumping(for the head), a stick for uprightness.
8. How To Make A Scarecrow For Halloween Decoration
This is a very scary scarecrow I've seen. It is made from a head mask, burlap sack, mod podge, black paint, twine, and brush.
Wrap the head in a burlap sack and tie it with twine, cover it with mod podge and highlight the facial features with black paint. Rubb in more black paint to the eyes, mouth, and randomly around the head. Attach the barbed wire to the mouth, eyes, and some other places to make it look scarier.
9. DIY Scarecrow Puppet Craft For Kids
You've always wanted to make a puppet scarecrow for your kids, then try out this DIY scarecrow made from polymer clay. The head was made by wrapping polymer clay around foil paper. Highlight all the features of a kid's head on it. Weave some strips of raffia and attach them to a stick in the form of an inverted letter K. Wrap fabric around this shape and fit the head on it. Your puppet scarecrow is ready.
10. How To Make A Small Scarecrow
In making this mini scarecrow, you need hay, overall, a shirt, and burlap.
Tie some hay together for the legs and hands. Tie another hay lengthier than legs for the body. Lay down the legs, hands, and body then put them in the shirt and overall appropriately. Make the head by overlapping two strips of burlap. Whether the edges and tie it to the body with a rubber band.
11. 3 Ways To Make A Scarecrow
This is made from overall jeans, shirt, hay, and straw foot. Start by building the frame on which the scarecrow will stand. Wear the shirt on the wooden frame and stuff it with hay and straw. Put the overall jeans on the shirt and filled it with hay. Attach the head and give the scarecrow artificial hands and feet.
12. DIY Scary Scarecrow Makeup Tutorial
This is the scariest scarecrow out there, the complexity of the materials and procedures used to create it.
The burlap, shirt, and glove used are declared to make them look dirty and ragged. A lifecast has used the head. The head is covered with petroleum jelly, liquid latex, cotton wool, and many more scary materials.
13. How To Make A Flower Pot Scarecrow
This beautiful flower out DIY scarecrow is made from a shirt, 3 terracotta pots, mod podge, paints, paints, glue, and scissors. The three pots stand for the head, the body, and the leg. Wrap the flannel shirt around one of the pots face down, cut the jean and wrap it around another lot with podge. Paint the last pot and draw the facial features on it. Place all the pots on top of each other, starting with the head.
14. DIY Scarecrow Mask
The materials needed to build this scarecrow mask are mannequin head burlap or any sack materials, scissors, glue gun, and paint.
Sew an overhead fabric leaving out the eyes. Wore this overhead for the mannequin and glue pieces of burlap around the head. Cut the back of the mask to slide in and out. Rubb paints in the eye and mouth and attaches the barbed wire.
15. How To Make A Scary Scarecrow Mask
To make this, you need a sheet of Bristol Board, yellow construction paper, duct tape, scissors, burlap, hot glue gun, and thumbtacks.
Draw a rough sketch of the scarecrow mask you want to make on a Bristol board. Cut out the mask and glue the burlap on it. Make the teeth from construction paper, roll them and staple it in the middle with duct tape. Attach the teeth to the burlap and cut out the eyes, nose, and mouth of the mask.
16. DIY Giant Scarecrow
This giant scarecrow is made from PVC pipe. Assemble the PVC pipe and PVC connectors with a screw. Then, add burlap to the PVC structure. Use a straw for the arm and make the head from a large pumpkin plant. The materials needed include burlap, straw, crows, PVC pipes.
17. How To Build A Scarecrow
This is made from them a flannel shirt, overall jeans, and straw. Stuff for the shirt and jeans with newspapers. Fill a burlap bag with newspaper for the head and draw the facial feature on it. Assemble everything and the scarecrow.
18. How To Make A Scarecrow Out Of Paper
This is made from a blue sheet, white sheet, chopstick, market, some shapes of heart, hay, and glue. Glue the heart shapes on the blue sheet and draw stitches on the shapes with a black marker. Fold the sheet and staple it at one edge for the pant. Use the hay to shape the head and outline the facial features.
19. Lollipop Scarecrow Craft
This scarecrow is made from a lollipop. Attach a popsicle stick to the lollipop with a craft wire. Then, attach a yellow tissue around the lollipop head with a double-stick tape, wrap the tissue around the neck and tie it with a craft wire.
Draw the facial features on the yellow tissue and attach the already-made clothing sheets to the stick with double-stick tape.
20. How To Make A Pallet Scarecrow
The materials needed for this pallet scarecrow include a wooden board, black paint, white paint, sponge brush, and water.
Divide the world into two parts, stain the upper part with black paint and stain the list part with white paint. Allow it to dry. Draw the facial features on the white part and add other necessary materials.
Scarecrows have been used for decades to keep birds away from crops. The use of scarecrows has evolved as people are using them for decoration purposes for Halloween. So, what do you think about these DIY scarecrow ideas? Are you planning on making any? We would love to know which, tell us in the comments section below. Thanks for stopping by.
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