To build a sawmill on your own, with or without a guide, takes proper planning calculations, and most importantly depends on the materials and tools used. This DIY will show you over 10 amazing guides that you can apply to make a sawmill effortlessly. Some of the guides on this list below will be expensive while others will be cheaper. It's not about the amount but it's all about if the building plan can work for you. So, here are a few guides to try out, let's begin.
Table of Contents
1. 100 Dollar Portable Sawmill
This is a 100 dollar portable sawmill made with some 2x4s. The creator got the chainsaw he used to make the sawmill for $50, and the remaining $50 goes for the other materials and tools used.
It's a simple making process that requires hard work and patience. In addition, in order to make this $100 chainsaw sawmill you need to have some pretty high-end sophisticated tools at your disposal, and you need a little experience in Woodworking projects.
2. Building A Large Bandsaw Mill
With this video tutorial guide, you're going to be making a large cut-width bandsaw mill. In the description, you will see the building plans that are available and how to use them to make a large bandsaw mill with ease.
The creator of this guide didn't bother going into the making process z he just spent all the video time explaining how the bandsaw mill works, and it's good to understand that, it gives your an idea of what you're about to build and help you fully comprehend the bandsaw build and even add your creativity to make it more unique.
3. Portable DIY Sawmill Build
Here, we have a portable sawmill, this video tutorial guide is all about assembling the portable sawmill from scratch. The creator used a wheelset mechanism to make his sawmill, it's a simple setup because the set is made of metal so you'll need screws to tighten the top and sides firmly.
The rest of the assembly is simple to follow. In addition, the good thing about this guide is that you can also make it a mobile portable sawmill because it's metal and there is a spot in the build that can accommodate two wheels. The creator didn't add it, but you can, so give it a try, and let's see how it goes.
4. How To Make A Sawmill With A Circular Saw
The creator of this guide used a prazi beam saw attachment for his sawmill set up. He also used a circular saw attached to a metal frame to make the sawmill.
It's not an easy DIY project, but if you follow the steps properly, you'll get it right in the end. It's the perfect portable sawmill, easy to carry around, and super effective in cutting. The only downside is that it doesn't have wheels for mobility, this would have been perfect, I guess the creator didn't think of that.
5. DIY Band Sawmill And Railbed
This is a great guide for this band sawmill and railbed. I admonish you to read through to the end of the guide before you begin building anything. This guide can be a bit complicated if you're not an experienced professional in welding, metalwork, and if you don't read through the guide to understand the makeup of the sawmill, you won't be able to get the steps right.
In the first step, the creator casts four wheels and an axle wheel hub for the structure, the next step is mounting the aluminum roller wheels, then the sawmill rolling frame, the engine support frame, and then the finishing steps follow.
This guide has 19 steps to go through before you are done making the sawmill, that's why it's important to read through the article first, before building anything.
6. DIY Sawmill From 12-inch Bandsaw And A Mower
The creator of this guide made an interesting sawmill from a 12-inch bandsaw and a mower. He bought the 12" bandsaw for $100 and it worked well for him, it might be more expensive or cheaper in your area, nevertheless, you'll need that to begin the making process.
The mower is another important component of the build. You won't be using the entire mower, you'll strip it apart to use only the 13hp honda 2 cylinder water-cooled engine for the sawmill, so ensure it’s a mower that you're no longer using.
The engine is amazingly silent and can work for a long period of time, which is great for the sawmill if you're going to be cutting for a long time too. The rest of the steps is to assemble the parts, weld the iron base where the engine and bandsaw will rest, and other construction before the build is over, and your mower is ready for testing.
7. DIY Sawmill
This is an impressive sawmill that the creator made for under $800. That's quite expensive but the sawmill proved to be worth it in the end.
The creator made a guide roller, and ball bearings made from a 3d printer, he got tires, wheels, scrap metal, and lots of other essential supplies. The making process is simple and easy to follow as long as you have the required materials, you're good to go.
8. Homemade Sawmill Build
You thought the previous homemade sawmill was expensive? Here is a sawmill made for under $960, and it's using a 7hp h.f motor. This motor is what drives the entire mechanism to work efficiently and effortlessly.
For the power of this sawmill, the creator used 18.75-inch pulley sheaves to work for the wheels, 10hp Briggs, ⅝ v belts for the tires, and a 1-¼ inch 304 stainless band wheel drive shaft, all these components are what made the project to be as expensive as it is, yet providing a quality sawmill that is durable, sturdy, and fast.
9. DIY $50 Sawmill Plans
Now, because you've seen sawmills made with $800, and $960, doesn't mean a $50 sawmill won't be effective and productive. This sawmill was made for $50 and it's super-efficient. It's made up of lumber, wood, and some other easy-going components.
This guide is budget-friendly and it's easy to build. The good thing is that it's a portable sawmill, it can fit at the back of your car regardless of the size unless it's a sports car. The downside is that it's pretty stressful.
You'll need to manually use your hand to wheel the sawmill to cut the lumber, and that can be stressful and tiring, and you might not cut enough lumber at a given time frame. Nevertheless, it's a great sawmill to make.
You'll need a metal vice, sanding glove, band file sander, log tenon cutter, mag switch, center square finder, wood threaded tap or die, a spoke-shave, utility knife, roto tape, and lots more.
10. Sawmill Plans in 3D
First, you'll need to check the video description and download the SketchUp software for this project. You'll use the software to create a 3D sawmill design that you'll work with. The design is in the video, so now you'll need to check the video to learn more.
Once you have your design, the next step is gathering the materials and tools needed to get the project started. The sawmill is sturdy and pretty durable and can cut long logs in seconds.
11. Homemade Chain Sawmill
This is a unique homemade chain sawmill powered by an electric motor, a narrow bar, and a ripping chain. This chain sawmill can cut different sizes of wood for your homestead or any other purpose you have for cutting long logs of wood. It's super easy to make and it takes the shape of most of the other sawmills on this DIY.
It's movable, but not mobile, you can carry it assistance to several locations or back in your garage or shed without the use of tires.
12. DIY Cheap Chainsaw Sawmill
This is the last DIY on a sawmill and it's a cheap DIY project. It's a chainsaw sawmill made for under $50. The creator used a lot of pine wood planks and basic woodworking tools.
For the tools, you'll need a handsaw, jigsaw, table saw, expanding measuring gauge, 23ga nailer, 18ga air nailer, an air compressor, Danish oil for finishing the wood, and a chainsaw. With these supplies, you're good to go, and the steps are easy to follow making your job effortless and simple.
That's all for now, ensure to read the safety precautions on every guide if any, and if there are none, also take safety measures yourself, some of the equipment can hurt you if you don't understand how to use them, best of luck, and thanks for stopping by, see ya!