Ever looked in longing at the picture of a vanity table, wishing it were yours? It’s no news that one often will not find such desires or if they do, find them to be above their budget. These DIY makeup vanity tables will not only meet your heart’s desires but do so on budget-friendly terms!
All you need is a few locally sourced materials, an open mind, and the instructions attached to the DIY of your choice. Making these DIY Makeup Vanity Tables require a bit of tool work, be sure to follow the safety precautions of any tools used while making these beauties.
Keep reading to discover the 19 stylish & unique DIY makeup vanity tables that you can craft from your comfort zone. Whatever your preferences might be, we have you covered.
Table of Contents
1. DIY Makeup Vanity Desk
For this sleek beauty which can double as a bedside table, the major materials are plywood, laminated pine boards, vanity light bulbs or LED bulbs 9vanity light bulbs are always the better choice), a 12inch mirror, and paint of your choice. Although a bit advanced for beginners in woodwork, the finished DIY makeup vanity desk is totally worth the work.
2. How to Build a Makeup Vanity
This makeup vanity comes with a lot of storage space. It features a solid walnut top and 5 drawer faces. The first stage requires gluing that’s left overnight to dry and is a mostly nail-less procedure using Dado & Rabbet with glue. You’ll need some experience with woodwork and a lot of free time to pull this off perfectly, nevertheless, it’s more than worth the challenge.
3. How to Build a Modern Vanity Desk
Thinking vanity but minimalistic? This DIY is your one-stop-shop. With its two-toned simple elegance, it’s perfect for the extra spice without being too loud. The table has 2 side compartments for storage and a center compartment with a top that lifts off to display a vanity mirror. You’ll also be getting value for your time and money, as this would fit anywhere! Whether in your bedroom or sitting room or even as a reading table for the kids.
4. DIY Makeup Desk with Storage
It’s the foldable mirror for me! Not to mention having sockets for electrical appliances, so goodbye to flat ironing before the bathroom mirror! The desk has 2 major storage compartments and the middle section can also be used as the mirror can be let down. I would highly recommend this DIY makeup desk with storage.
5. DIY Vanity Mirror with Desk Light
The highlight of this DIY makeup vanity table is the mirror with desk lights. It won’t matter if it’s day or night when you have one of these and the fun part? This DIY uses an already made desk so you don’t need any knowledge of woodwork to have this beauty. Just get your desk, mirror, and light bulbs!
6. How to Build a DIY Makeup Vanity
Simple yet effective! This DIY vanity table is a simple table with two large drawers. The mirror is separate from the table and hangs just above it, with LED bulbs attached round for lighting. Feel free to turn this into a computer table or reading desk if you want to, it’s that flexible. The mirror style, as well as the color(s) used for the table and mirror, can make or mar this look. Go with black and gold-rimmed edges for the classic feel, using youthful colors like teal or baby pink for a child’s room.
7. DIY Makeup Vanity Table
Perfect for art lovers and those not afraid to stand out. You’ll be stenciling to get the beautiful finished look you see here but don’t worry; it’s easier than baking a pie! Throw in your own flair by creating your own stencil designs.
8. DIY Glass Top Makeup Vanity
The classic DIY for easy, cheap and sturdy makeup vanity desks with lots of storage space. The see-through glass top is an added bonus as it lets you have all your items safely tucked away but in plain sight.
9. DIY Makeup Vanity
The stylish ‘X’ at the back of this makeup sets it apart from the rest and adds extra elegance to the ensemble. A trick to getting the most of a luxury vibe is not to hold back when buying handles/drawer pulls; the right ones can take the look from 0 to 100 in a flash.
10. DIY Vanity Desk
This DIY vanity desk is the holy grail of crafts requiring little or no experience, no tools and is stress free to booth. To achieve this look all you need is two identical drawers (the size and number of compartments are up to you), a board (you can get it cut to your specifications) and E6000 glue or a suitable equivalent. Create a unique look by playing with colors.
11. DIY Mirrored Vanity Desk
Nothing screams vanity like a good mirror or two. This ensemble with its 24 inch double mirrors and diamond-wrapped partitioning between LEDs will have you feeling like you’re in a fairytale and rightly so. With this DIY mirrored vanity desk, you’re sure to get the royal feel and an out of this world experience.
12. DIY Makeup Vanity Table
The only work you’ll be doing here is mounting your wall mirror and lights. This DIY uses a pair of already made drawers and tabletop making it quite easy to put together. Be creative about the size of tabletop you’ll be using depending on how much room you desire.
13. DIY Vanity Under $40
Here’s an amazing DIY vanity for makeup that you can make using less than 40 dollars. It is perfect for the bedroom or shower, this vanity is for essentials and although you can craft yours to be bigger, this is one of those times where less is more.
14. DIY Recycled Makeup Desk
Who says vanity cannot be environmentally friendly? Save the planet while staying fabulous by building this beautiful DIY recycled makeup vanity desk using recycled plywood and a mirror you no longer use.
15. DIY Makeup Vanity Table
For this vanity, you’ll be doing more wirework than woodwork. However, you can choose to customize your drawers by making them from scratch yourself. Just be sure to add the finishing touches with your LED wall mirror.
16. DIY Makeup Vanity Table
The best thing about this vanity is that it doesn’t use up a lot of space, yet it provides more than ample storage! Play with the color scheme and mirror designs to get a unique and timeless look rivaled by no other.
17. DIY Affordable Makeup Vanity
This DIY makeup vanity is not only affordable but comes with a whole lot of storage space – almost infinite! It also has the bonus of being movable and the dimensions can be customized to fit a bigger dressing mirror. Double-sided LED light strips are used in this DIY tutorial but you’re advised to get proper light bulbs for the mirror with a wall switch.
18. DIY Vanity Table
Elegant and unique do not come close to describing this dazzling design. This is one DIY that does not sacrifice style for practicability; it’s not referred to as a Hollywood style vanity table with a twist for nothing.
19. DIY Makeup Vanity Table
You wouldn’t have to worry about storage space with this DIY makeup vanity table. The closable lid housing the vanity mirror means your table can double as a reading desk or table for your computer. You can customize the frame of the vanity by dividing it into smaller compartments to house different items, instead of dividing it into just 2 as seen in the DIY video. Be sure to get your wood precut to your specifications during purchase if you can’t find the right sizes.
That’s a wrap on our compiled list of DIY makeup vanity table projects. Most of the projects listed in this article are woodworking projects that would require woodworking skills. If you have never handled a hammer before, I would suggest you seek professional help.
Which is your favorite DIY makeup vanity table and why? Share your views in the comments section. We’d be happy to converse.
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