Being that your dog is your best friend, you really need to consider building a pen for him or her. In this article, I have compiled a list of 15 DIY dog pen projects made by creative folks, you can easily DIY anyone you like with the right materials and skill set.
The dog pen’s listed below come in various sizes, it doesn't matter if you have a huge mastiff or small chihuahua, you will find the perfect pen for him or her.
Table of Contents
1. DIY Custom Rescue Dog Pen
Let’s get the items ready for this guide, you need 2 sheets of 4 x 8 plywood, staples, staple gun, cordless drill, chop saw, and circular saw. All these materials are easy to find. If you don’t have them around your home, you can purchase them at a dollar store near you.
The pen can be as big as you want it, for as many rescue dogs that you have at home. Some extra materials that you need that are very important are the 2ft chicken wire, 12ft x 4ft roll of linoleum, screws, and other miscellaneous hand tools.
This rescue dog pen can be made indoors, as long as the house is spacious enough.
2. DIY Wooden Dog Pen
This wooden dog pen will take you about 3 hours and 7 mins to make, and the steps are simple and you can easily do it over and over again. There are certain supplies that are needed for this task, but the most important is the 10 sheets of 2 x 4 plywood.
With the wood you can make a hexagonal-shaped dog pen, as a hexagon has three sides, you will need to form your wood in such a way that it will cover all three sides, that will take some serious focus and measurement to get the angles right to make a strong wooden dog pen.
3. DIY Dog Pen
This will not cost you so much at all, you can set up this dog pen for outdoor use. The first thing you need to do is decide how big you want the dog pen to be, either 6ft or 10ft long and wide. When you have overcome that little challenge, you can then proceed to clear the portion of the land that you want the dog pen to occupy.
Setting up the pen is simple, so you won’t spend much time as well. You will need a tool to dig the ground to be able to install the fence, then mix concrete in water to fill the holes when you have put the pole in the ground.
4. Building A Cheap Dog Pen
Building this cheap dog pen is great, it’s strong and reliable. The materials for this process are things that you can just have around your house. You need metal poles, you might have this already or just get them at a store.
You need metal wires that will be firmly fitted to the poles that you have put into the ground. For the wires you might need to get some from a dollar store or any craft store near you for a cheap price.
You might choose to work with someone to make the job faster and easier, or if you like working alone, be prepared to spend some time on this.
5. DIY PVC Dog Pen
With PVC pipes you can make a good 8ft x 8ft dog pen with ease. Although you will need some wood for the base, where the PVC pipes will stand. This dog pen is simple to build and very strong. If you have some PVC pipe at home and you want your pen to be bigger, you will need to go out and get more PVC pipes to complete the job.
This pen is very customizable depending on the size you need. With these materials, you can make one in minutes. You need drywall screws for fasteners, a vinyl remnant to cover the floor, PVC tees, PVC couplings, PVC 90° elbows.
6. How To Construct A Shaded Dog Run
After a brief research on this, I found a way to easily construct a shaded dog run, it’s very simple to do by yourself. The first step is cutting the timbers, if you don’t have timber around then, you can buy some sheets of wood. Proceed to lay down the fabric that will be underneath the dog pen.
After all that, the final job is to build the 20-foot wall, two 10-foot walls, one 17-foot wall, the gate, the side and back walls, the mat, and then, the roof.
7. How To Build An Indoor Dog Kennel
Make your dog feel comfortable with an amazing customizable, and movable indoor pen. Yes! You can move the dog pen from one location to another, put it on top of a table, use it as a TV stand or at a corner in your living room, or anywhere you deem fit.
The materials used for this great dog pen will cost you little, you need Titebond III wood glue, Irwin 36” clamps. For tools, you need a standard woodcutter and other mechanical tools to get the job done.
8. How To Build A Temporary Dog Pen
If you are in need of a temporary dog pen for your dog and you don’t have that much money to spend on constructing a serious one at the moment, with this guide you will learn how to make a temporary dog pen with ease. A Wire cube shelving system is used to make this simple dog pen. You can purchase them in black or white in color at the dollar store or any other utility store near you.
You also need to get your hands on some inexpensive cable ties, and a wire cutter. The temporary dog pen is very portable and can be folded and stored somewhere safe.
9. DIY Puppy PlayPen
Constructing a beautiful puppy playpen is the best thing you can ever do for your puppies if you have more than one. First, add some soft waterproof mats to your supply list for this playpen. Then, you can further add more items like a pay pen that you can buy from Amazon, or just buy a wire shelving system and connect it together.
Get a dog pen that will be smaller and insert it inside the playpen which will be larger than the dog pen.
10. DIY Dog Pen
Instead of spending a lot of money on Amazon to get a dog pen, you can simply make your own, using this guide. Get a 3 quarter-inch plywood, make some pocket holes on them, buy some henges, and make the dog pen strong enough to be free-standing. Fill the inside with some soft fabric or mat, depending on which is available.
11. DIY Dog Crate
Get this dog crate done with outstanding finishing. You will need some plywood. For the base that will contain the plywood, cut the base out to a good size then, add ¾” pocket holes on all the sides.
The top of the crate will need a 2 x 6 board, so get the measurements right and proceed to complete the job. Of course, you must have filled the pocket holes with screws to hold the frame firm.
12. How To Make A Cheap Dog Pen
You don’t need to spend too much money on making a dog pen when you have materials like this available for you in this guide. Make a list, but a 20-meter roll of a 1-meter tall wire fence, 18 meters of PVC pipes, 19 pipe connectors. After that has been purchased, your work has begun, it is rather stress-free in making and it won’t take up your time.
13. How To Build A Dog Fence
Construct a strong dog fence that will last long and withstand the weather if you are setting it up for outdoor use. The supplies you need are some 2x4 plywood and a 48” wire fence. Your tools will be some wood screws, fencing nails, a drilling gun, a hammer, and a saw machine.
Measure and cut out the plywood to the specification that you want. Place the cut-out wood on board, And attach other materials to it.
14. How To Make A Cardboard Puppy Play Pen
Using cardboard to create a puppy playpen is a unique idea. If you already have cardboard at home, then you have nothing to worry about. All you have to do is acquire a few other materials and you’re good to go.
Get a 36x46 large size cardboard as your base, cut 16 pieces of 4x18 inches of cardboard, 6 pieces of 2x28 inches of cardboard, 48 pieces of 2x18 inches of cardboard, get an adhesive glue gun, and glue 2 pieces of the 2x18 inches together.
Repeat the same for the remaining pieces, and before you know it, you have the whole cardboard playpen ready.
15. DIY Dog Pen
Things that you need to get for this dog pen are really easy to find. The items are fence panels, tarps, flat wood boards, shingles, snap hooks, nails, and small chains. All these items can be found at any nearby hardware store.
This is for outdoor use, and it can be as big as you want it to be. The bigger the dog pen, the more materials you need to finish.
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