Let’s face it, you’re not gonna catch a lot of crawfish with your hands or with a cheap trap you find lying around in some store. What you need is the best DIY Crawfish Trap that you can make on your own in your backyard or garage. You don’t have to spend a ton of money on a big, fancy trap, but if you want to be successful, you also don't want to make a cheap trap that will break apart and waste your time.
Catching crawfish as kids and snacking on them were fun times. However, we paid no real attention to the mechanics of how to build a proper crawfish trap. Beginner or pro, farmer or enthusiast, these 15 DIY crawfish trap hacks will get you on your way to some real good crawfish harvest. Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to pay anyone else to get the best crawfish? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a DIY crawfish trap that could help you catch all the crawfish you want? Well, you are in luck. Here is your DIY guide for making a crawfish trap that will help you collect as many crawfish as you can handle.
Table of Contents
1. Crawfish Trap With Plastic Bottles
Have difficulty setting crawfish traps? Not to worry. It's pretty easy. You can DIY your own crawfish trap. All you need is the right plastic bottle, zip ties, and some bait. Your bait can range from cat food to fish guts. Let's go crawfish hunting already. The making process of this crawfish trap is quite easy. You should be done with the build in no time. Does it work? Well, yes it does! The whole idea behind it is a clear pointer that you can use it to catch yourself some crawfish.
2. How To Make A DIY Crawfish Trap
Whether you're in the North or the South, this DIY crawfish trap tutorial will help you create your ideal crawfish trap. You'll need some wireframe material. 24 or 36 inches will do. This ensures you still have something sizeable after cutting. Go ahead and watch the video to find out more. The making process is also quite easy and should take some hours to complete with all the tools and materials handy.
3. DIY Crawfish Trap Build
If you're looking for an effective crawfish trap, then you've found it. This unique design is a 4 entrance modified killer trap with a bungee cord at the top to keep the lid shut. What you'll need? Gloves, pliers, wire/metal material, bungee cord. This is one amazing DIY crawfish trap design you'd love to learn.
4. Plastic Bottle Craw Fish Trap
Can you get a crawfish trap for $3? Most likely not but you can get materials to build one for the same price. You'll need a 2-liter water bottle, some hotdog or dog food for bait, zip ties, a knife for cutting, and some strong rope, and voila! There you go. With this, you're on your way to DIY your own plastic bottle crawfish trap.
5. DIY Crawfish Trap
If you enjoyed snacking on these little creatures as a kid, you'll definitely be interested in making traps to catch them in their numbers. A DIY crawfish trap interestingly is quite inexpensive to make. You'll need to get a roll of chicken wire (2 ft should do), rubber bands, a 6-inch small chain for the handle, zip ties, a plastic water bottle, and a strong string. teediddlydee
6. How To Build A Crawfish Trap
While doing in-depth research for some of the best DIY crawfish traps, I found this easy and amazing one. Whether you're a pro or a beginner, this instructional article is a perfect guide to help you DIY your own crawfish trap. What are you waiting for? Let's get going and hunting already. backcountryhunters
7. Making A Craw Fish Trap
Here, we are going to learn how to make DIY crawfish trap. With these traps, you can easily collect several pounds of crawfish in a day. All you need are some supplies and know how. We all enjoyed having crawfish as kids and we still do. It's a whole meal. However, you'll agree that it's quite counterproductive trying to catch crawfish with your bare hands. In this article, we teach you how to DIY your own crawfish trap. wikihow
8. Crawdad Trap DIY
Do you plan to go camping? Learning to build a DIY crawdad trap is a very handy skill especially when you're in survival mode. This crawdad trap will cost you almost nothing and the best part is you can build it using trash. Nothing beats this and it's pretty efficient. Instructables
9. DIY Commercial Crawfish Trap
With under $7 you can build your own DIY commercial crawfish trap. This design sports a 19 gauge galvanized steel. The beautiful thing about this design is its durability. It's going to be around for a pretty long while. Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to build yours.
10. Dollar Store Crawfish Trap
With $14 you can make an effective dollar store crawfish trap. The first thing you'll need is a dollar store garbage basket, some tuna or sardine, strong ropes, zip ties, and a knife. If you do not already have these supplies at home, all of these can be gotten from the dollar store for just $14..
11. How To Make A Pillow Trap For Crayfish
With exactly $2.75 you can make your very own crawfish pillow trap and sell it for about $25. Making a crawfish trap is simple and easy. The key is to make sure you choose the right location depending on where you live. Here’s what you’ll need to get started. All you need to DIY this project is some plastic chicken fence, tape measure, scissors for cutting, some rope, and definitely bait. You're hooked yeah?
12. DIY Crayfish Trap With Plastic Bottles
This video teaches you how to DIY your crayfish trap in 5 minutes using 2 plastic water bottles and zip ties. The basic steps involve making a tiny hole at the bottom of the bottle, making a door-like opening at the side. It's pretty much easy. Learn how now.
13. Local Crayfish Trap
So you caught a few little crabbies which is excellent! The only problem is now what? You can’t just let them go or they’ll bite you next time. So we arrive at the solution – build a trap! Here are some quick instructions to make your own crawfish trap that you can use again and again.
There's so much fad about high-quality crayfish traps but do you know that local Crayfish traps are also as effective. The first thing you need to do is gather your materials. Some branches and saplings will do the trick. Next, collect several hundred feet of pencil-diameter vines to weave into the trap walls. Once you have your materials ready, build a cone, make a funnel. The. Finally, bait and wait. outdoorlife
14. Make And Bait Crawfish Trap
Are you tired of paying food prices for live crawfish? Instead of settling for pricey seafood from your grocery store, learn how to build a crawfish trap to trap the fresh crawfish! Making and baiting crawfish traps are easier than you think. We show you how to get it done in a few minutes in this video. Come on, let's get going.
15. How To Build A Crayfish Trap Under $5
If you like to eat crawfish but hate paying for them, this DIY crawfish trap might be for you. Did you know that with $5 or less you can build your very own crayfish trap? The step-by-step process involves design and cutting, assembling the trap, finishing, and then building the bait box. It's that easy. What are you waiting for?
There you have it. 15 DIY designs and hacks to build your own crawfish traps. Whether you're going local or you're shopping at the dollar store, it's inexpensive and easy to put together. Go get them crawfish.
People use many different methods to trap crawfish. Some are as simple as putting a loop of string on a bbq grill and filling in the loop with bait. Others go so far as building a trap of netting and luring the crawfish with bait. Catching the crawfish is not the hard part; it is figuring out how to get them out of their trap that proves difficult. There are traps that you can buy, but they can be expensive.
We hope this tutorial was helpful enough to make a custom crawfish trap on your own. If it was, we will be very excited. We’re looking forward to hearing about your results in the comments below. Do let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. Happy fishing!
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