Do you have a cat or planning to get one? That means you will need a cat litter box.
In this article, you will learn and follow different tutorials on how to DIY a ccat litter box or how to modify a litter box to meet your specifications.
Table of Contents
1. Odorless Cat Litter Box DIY
The Cat litter box stinks a lot. This DIY is a cat ventilation system. You need following a hot glue gun, tin snips, serrated knife, drill, hooded plastic litter box, CPU fan, zip ties, and plywood.
Begin by replacing card airbox with cardboard, build duct flanges from food cans, mount fan and attach the adapter, seal container lid and back of cat box.
Proceed to drill holes on the hood, measure then cut foam rectangle, construct exhaust vent, cut the window and insert vent.
2. DIY Cat Litter Box that Doubles as Bench
This DIY requires the following materials and tools PVC, door pull, hinges, table saw narrow crown stapler, and impact drivers.
To build, use a narrow crown stapler for fastening, for seamless corners, miter the edges on the table saw.
In the panel assembly, you hold the tongue and groove board together, measure trim bands to ensure the box is square during installation.
3. Dog Proof Cat Litter Box
Cats may be disturbed by dogs at times, to make this DIY you need a 30 kg storage crate, 18 kg crate, drill, jigsaw, scrap wood, screws, and carpet.
Begin by creating a foyer and then cut the doors that only a cat can fit in. Lastly, add holes on top for light because cats don’t like dark rooms.
4. Top Entry Cat Litter Box DIY
Does your cat track litter in your house? This DIY suits you.
The top entry litter box prevents them from tracking litter everywhere. To construct this you just need to get a perfect box then use a cutter to cut a hole on top.
It holds 30 % of cat litter and can be used by more than one cat.
5. Mess-less Cat Litter Box DIY
This box design helps get rid of litter poop on the floor.
You will need the following materials and equipment; cat litter box, plastic deck box, screws, sisal rope, wood glue, saw, square, and screwdriver.
Begin by making a hole, size a ramp, wrap sisal around the ramp and glue it. Seal cracks on the outer box.
Lastly, put a ramp in place, place the litter box inside and put a lid on top.
6. Pine Pellets Cat Litter Box DIY
It’s the best litter box since there is no pee smell it just a pine smell. You require the following to construct; 2 matching boxes, cutter, drill, and pine pellets.
Begin by drilling holes on the bottom of one of the boxes, add pine pellets in the box with holes, and stack up the boxes.
Proceed to cut a door that is matching both boxes when stacked. (optional).
7. Hidden Litter Box With De-littering Cat Walk
You require the following to do this DIY Pluggis recycling bin, hinges, plywood, shelving boards, screw, nails, and paint
Begin by breaking down the shelves, and cut the wood. Put in place walls, catwalk, door, and back.
Attach the bottom feet, top surface, and finish.
8. Building a Feline Pine Self –cleaning Litter Box
This litter box helps you save sawdust, tracking, and save pallets. You will require two litter boxes, a drill, a ruler, and a pen.
Drill holes on one box and place pan on each other. Place pellets on the lower one.
9. Giant Cat Litter Box DIY
Sometimes your cat becomes robust and will need a Giant litter. To construct you require a large plastic bin that has a flat bottom, tape measure, marker, fine-toothed saw, putty, and Wiremold Cord mate.
Begin by measuring and cutting the bin. Finish the edges using fine sandpaper.
10. Green Pee Cat Litter Box System DIY
This litter box utilizes non-porous filler gravel in a punched tray sitting on another tray that has a newspaper holding baking soda.
You require a drill and plastic scoop.
Begin by drilling holes in one of the trays, place newspaper and baking soda in the bottom tray. Combine the trays,
Train cat on usage, litter and gravel mix after cat usage, use only gravel, place trays apart, and clean the bottom.
Get rid of the newspaper, place a new one, and baking soda. Gravel is cleaned and reused once a month.
11. Disposable Cat Litter Box DIY
Constructing a disposable litter box is very easy. It requires; cereal box, cutting utensil, plastic bag, cat litter.
Prepare the cereal carton/box, cut the upper part, and place a plastic bag inside. Let the cat use the disposable litter box.
12. IOT Cat Litter Box DIY
IoT refers to the internet of things. Doing this DIY requires the following; a cat litter box that is WIFI enabled, an ESP32, weight sensors, bolts, screwdriver, and USB cable.
Begin by setting up the Arduino IDE and wiring the electric components. Ensure that things communicate and then code Arduino.
Assemble the litter box, do calibration and testing.
13. Homemade Litter Box DIY
Making this litter box requires an old storage box, a cutter, construction adhesive.
Begin by cutting the container into two, place them together and use adhesive to seal. Place the pellets and sawdust inside and let the cat enjoy.
14. Simple Litter Box Odor Filter DIY
You require the following materials and tools: a computer fan, screws, wire nuts, rubber band, screwdriver, knife, wire stripper, and soldering iron.
Begin by cutting a square filter that is bigger than the fan so that you can wrap it around. Connect the fan to the power supply.
Cut the right hole in the litter box, preferably one that is opposite from the door. Screw the fan on the hole.
15. “Hide-in-plain-sight" Cat Litter box DIY
This litter box can be placed anywhere in your house.
To construct this you require: a container to act as a litter tray, a wire storage drawer, l brackets, cabinet plywood, saw, and screws.
Begin by measuring and cutting the door, install l brackets on one side and at the door, invert the wire basket and mark the entrance and exit for the cat.
Remember entrance is on the converse side from the entrance to the cabinet.
16. Cat litter Box Air Filter DIY from an Air purifier
Does your cat litter box have a lot of dust? Here is the solution for you.
You will require a squirrel-cage fan, air filter wire cutter, and duct tape.
Open up the cardboard frame of the filter, cut a filter piece that covers back airflow space on the equipment fan.
Using duct tape, stick the filter at the back of the fan and begin dusting.
17. DIY Smart Litter Box Sensor
You change your cat's litter box after a bad smell or grim sight. Having a smart litter box sensor, you will get blinking lights or text messages whenever they poop.
It is awesome, right? You require soldering tools, wire strippers, laser cutter, resistors, ESP8266-microcontroller, Micro USB cable, and wire in assorted colors.
Begin by connecting circuits and coding the controller and do soldering.
18. Cat Litter Sifter Box DIY
This is one of the easiest DIY you require a litter box, mesh, tape measure, tin snips, and yardstick.
Begin by measuring the inside bottom of the box. and cut mesh-based on the dimensions of the box. Shape the cutting and cut out corners.
Shape the mesh to fit in the box, bend the sides to the outside going down and check fit. Fill the box and wait for the cat to poop.
Lift and sift.
19. Outdoor Cat Litter Box DIY
Do you have many cats and you can’t have litter boxes all over the house? This suits you. You require a Sun cast box, litter bins, and saw.
Begin by placing the bins in the sun cast box and screw stops in the bottom for bins to remain steady.
Add a gangway using Velcro on the ends for easy lift-off. Measure and cut the back of the box to connect with the cat house pass-through
20. Custom Cat Litter Box DIY
You require plastic storage tote, indoor carpet, cutter, liner, and cat litter.
Begin in marking and cutting entry on the lid, mark pattern for carpet top, and cut carpet. Cut circle entry on the carpet.
Put liner and litter.
21. Cat Litter Box Cleaning Indicator DIY
This litter box automatically indicates when there is poop.
You require an Arduino kit, RGB LED.
First, get your litter box and plan where to place the adaptation, program the Arduino, wire the processor, and connect with the LED.
22. DIY Cat litter Box with Vent Fan
You require a pc fan, plastic hose, litter box, glue, and screws.
Begin by constructing the fan box, attach the fan box window, and attach the hose on the fan box.
Lastly, insert the hose into the litter box.
23. Cat Litter Box Dust Reducer DIY
Cat litter boxes have a lot of dust; here is a way of controlling it. You will require fans, motion sensors, and a container for your fans.
Begin by connecting fans with the sensor, attach fans to the lid of the box and lastly add a filter.
24. Cat Litter Box with Litter Scatter Stopper DIY
Does your cat always spread litter around the house? Here is a DIY that suits you.
You will require a cat box, plastic bin wide as your cat box, and duct tape. Cut the bin and glue it together and place the litter box in the bin.
25. Travelling, Foldable and Disposable Cat Litter Box DIY
This DIY will help you save luggage space when traveling with your cat. You require a cardboard box, super glue, cutter, and measuring tape.
Begin by designing the box this involves measuring and cutting. This box is foldable.
If you have been struggling with Cat litter box, the above tutorials can help you build one to your specifications.
Try out these DIYs since they are cheaper to modify as compared to purchasing a new cat litter box or getting someone to customize a litter box for you.
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