Just like humans, cats also deserve to feel the comfort of a bed. Yes, they can sleep in your bed, but it is a whole lot cooler when you make a special bed for them.
In this article, we have put together 24 DIY cat bed projects made by people like you. Making a cat bed doesn’t require the use of power tools, you might not even need to get materials. Household items can get the job done. Are you ready to start building? Let’s go!
Table of Contents
1. DIY Cat Bed
This DIY cat bed is made from fleece, polyester stuffing, thread, and scissors. Measure your desired diameter on the piece of fleece then cut two circles out of it. Use the circles to line each other then stitch the circumference of the circle but leave a small opening where the stuffing will pass through. . After that, flip the circle inside out, then measure another small circle on it. Fill the small and the entire fleece with stuffing and you're good to go.
2. DIY Cat Bed From Cardboard
The materials needed for this cat bed include cardboard, staple gun, hot glue gun, scissors, polyester wadding, fabrics, and felt. Make a big circular bowl from cardboard then wrap a piece of polyester wadding around it then secure it properly with hot glue. Then, cover the polyester wadding with a piece of fabric.
3. DIY Cat Bed With No Money
This is made from a crate and leather materials. Lay the piece of leather on a plain surface then place the crate on it. Start wrapping the leather around the crate but instead of glue, use wire to tie it down to make it last longer.
4. How To Make A DIY Cat Bed
The materials needed for this DIY cat bed include a woven basket, plywood, wood glue, jigsaw, drill, sanding sponge, ruler, hot glue gun, clamps, and painter's tape. Get a woven basket and plywood then mark the outline of the basket on the plywood and cut through. Fit the plywood snugly inside the basket and cut an opening to the basket.
5. DIY No-Sew Cat Bed
For this DIY project, you will need scissors, a straightedge, a yard of fleece, and a bag of poly-fil stuffing. First, you have to determine the shape of your cat bed whether triangle, circle, or heart shape. Cut the fleece to your desired shape and add three inches to each side of the pieces. Make a long strand of fabric that he will use for knotting.
6. DIY Cat Bed From Old Sweatshirt
You can make a bed for your cat with absolutely anything. All you have to do is be creative and crafty. This cat bed is made from a sweatshirt, old clothes for stuffing, and scissors. Turn the shirt inside out and sew the neck together, then turn it over again. Then, sew from one armpit to another. Cut off the arm cuffs and fill the space with stuffing. After the arms have been filled from one end to the other, make a circle with the arms and stitch the arms together. Stuff the remaining shirt space as the bed.
7. How To Make A Cat Bed
This is made from large pieces of fabric folded from the right side. Measure the dimension of the fabric then cut 8 pieces of fabric strips that will serve as the band to tie the bed together.
8. DIY Reversible Cat Bed
The materials needed for this cat bed include fabrics, quilting batting, a sewing machine, scissors, and safety pins. Cut out two circles from a piece of fabric then or cut a circle each from two different fabrics. Line the circle with each other and stitch the edges of the circle then turn it inside out from the little opening left behind. Stitch a small fabric at the middle of the circle then fill both circles with stuffing.
9. DIY iMac Cat Bed
Get an iMac shell, clean it up then modify it to your desired taste. Reassemble the iMac and line the inside with an interior cushion. The materials used are iMac G3, foam padding, fabrics or pillowcase, tape, hot glue gun, and wooden dowel.
10. DIY Hanging Cat Bed
The materials needed for this cat bed include wood, fabric, rope, ruler, pliers, nails, hammer, wood glue, staple gun, and scissors. Start by making the frame for the bed then get a long chain or rope and cut it into four pieces. Then, lay down the fabric
11. DIY Stargate Cat Bed
The materials needed for this project include a rotary cutter, fabrics, pen, glue gun, fleece, grey materials, ruler, and an electric bread knife. Select the 9 gate symbol you would like to use for your design. Measure the gate glyphs so they are not more than 5 inches high. Make sure the measurement of the gate is accurate because fate will shape the whole project.
12. DIY Cat Tent
The materials needed for this include an old t-shirt, two-wire hangers, safety pins, a piece of cardboard, tape, and pliers. The first step is to cut off the twirly bits of the wire hanger. Bend the hanger and use it to make a pole over the cardboard.
13. How To Build A Cat Bed
Get six pieces of pipes and round their tips till they're pointing. Then, three pieces to get her to form an 'A' shape using nails and hammer, do the same for the other three pieces. Assemble both shapes and tie them at the tips with a leather strip. Stain the frame and add the necessary component that remains.
14. How To Make A DIY Cat Bed
The materials required for this DIY project include a t-shirt, a cardboard box, scissors, duct tape, and two hangers. Cut off the lid of the box and cut off the twirly part of the hangers as well. Then, bend the hanger to form an inverted 'U'. Place the two bent hangers in the box in a crisscross pattern. Hold the hanger to the cardboard using duct tape then wrap it with the t-shirt leaving only the neck as the opening for the cat to enter the tent.
15. Stuffed Cat Bed DIY
Cut a 17" circle from fabric then line it with some old quilting batting. Then, cut a long rectangle and stuffed it with batting then make the stuffed rectangle into a circle and use it to frame the base circle. It is made from quilting batting, flannel, scissors, and thread.
16. Deluxe Cat Bed DIY
There are two important tools needed for this project; a computer with a good internet network and a printer. Search for the best cat decker in your computer system, examine it very well, and be sure that's what you want. Then, print it out. And just like that, you have your cat bed.
17. DIY Iron Throne Cat Bed
The materials needed for this iron throne cat bed include cardboard, paint brushes, acrylic paint, a hot glue gun, a craft knife, and a hot glue stick. Get a cardboard box then strengthen the structure of the box with hot glue. Cut the sides and top of the lid to assemble the back of the throne. Cut out a ton of swords then glue it to the back of the throne. Add another box to the existing box to make the throne to be taller.
18. DIY Cat Bed Made Of Jeans
This is the most simple DIY cat bed you can see around. It is made from jeans and butty-shaped foam. Wear the jean for each of the butty-shaped foam then tie the remaining sleeve of the legs. Just like that, you have your cat bed.
19. How To Make A Cat Bed
This is made from a box, blanket, t-shirt, and scissors. Cut off the four covers of the box and wore the shirt for the box. Tie the Shirley at the bottom of the box and fold the two arms by the side of the box. Bolce the blanket inside the box and you're good to go.
20. DIY Cat Bed Using Ohhio Braid
Start by making a four stitch chain. The chain is then used to frame the cat bed. It is easy to make and also cheap. It is made from an Ohio braid. Trust me, your cat will love this bed.
21. DIY Quick Cat Bed
The materials needed for this DIY cat bed include stuffing, sewing machine, thread, and scissors. Divide on the shape of the cat bed then cut out two pieces of that shape from the fabric. Use them to line each other then sew the edges round leaving out a small opening where the stuffing will pass. After that, turn it inside out then fill it with stuffing. It is very quick and simple to make.
22. DIY Cat Nap Basket
The materials used in this project include cotton clothesline, quilting batting, black craft paint, sewing pubs, sewing machine, fabrics, and scissors. Start by measuring the stuffing for the cushion, then sew eight pieces of batting in a zigzag manner. Leaves a small opening where the batting will pass. Assemble the bed part with glue and you're good to go.
23. DIY Basket Cat Bed
Get a basket from the store at an affordable price of course then make the cushion. The shape of the cushion must be the same as the shape of the basket.
24. DIY No-Sew Cat Bed
One thing that makes this cat bed unique from other no-sew cat beds is that it has sidewalls. It is made from two different colors of fleece, batting, and scissors. Make the base circle and frame it with a stuffed rectangle and you're done.
25. DIY Multi-purpose Cat Bed Description
Have you ever wondered what cats enjoy to do the most? They surely love rubbing their faces on things, scratching and clawing but probably their number one activity is napping, so why not combine these things together?
Here is some good news! This guide will show you how to put together a multi-purpose cat bed made from a wooden box which acts as a scratching board and head massager as well. Equipped with a soft bristle shoe brush and a side covered with natural sisal rope this cat furniture surely will satisfy all your cat's needs.
Unlike human beds, Cat beds are cheap and very easy to build. You won’t need to spend a lot of money to make one for your furry friend. So, we have listed some of the best DIY cat bed projects, the choice is up to you on which one you would love to make. Thanks for stopping by!
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